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Fruits and Vegetable Wastage Control

Started by , Jan 12 2022 03:39 PM
5 Replies
Hi all,
Wish to seek your kind advice on how to control fresh fruits and vege wastage.

Secondly, for the wastage eg like skin, peel, seed, is it food industry will convert it to animal feed or as fertilizer? Besides this, what else factory can do before dump it as general waste to throw away.

Appreciate your kind input.


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Many food plants will sell thier waste to farms for animal feed or fertilizer.   It can also be sold to pet food manufactures.   


Without knowing your process on how waste is generated, its hard to give ideas on reducing the waste.   

Fruits /Vegetable processing waste eg Peels , seeds all are valuable ,there are many industries which convert them to value addition according to there nature Mnaure , Cattle Feed , bio fuel etc . 

As a food technologist job is only to make process such that these wastage are minimized .

Thank you for the reply. Appreciate it.

If want to convert the skin, seed into dried food, the process would be 'freeze dry' correct? Is there any other method to utilise this byproduct of fruits, vege?


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I would suggest looking in to anaerobic digesters. Not sure what is available in Malaysia, but here is an article so you can read about them. They break down the waste in to gas which can be sold and used for energy.


It depends a lot on the chemical composition of waste. Might be worth reaching out to a company and seeing if they have a solution for you. Sorry I cant help much more than that; it didn't fit our needs, so I stopped researching.

Hi AltonBrownFanClub


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