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How to validate an electronic document repository

Started by , Nov 24 2021 02:24 PM
4 Replies

Hi All!


I need help, please! Our company is FDA and SF/SF regulated. Our quality management document system used to be paper-based with PDF copies on an internal server to allow employees access to procedures and forms. We are now working on moving all documents to another server with a website-type set-up. It will be a repository for the Quality Management System. It will not contain any constantly updated "live" docs. We have to validate it, but since it's "home-made" so to speak, we're not sure how to accomplish this.

Does anyone have a similar validation that we could view and follow as a template?


Thanks for taking the time :smile:

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Following this because I would love to have an answer too.

It would be so nice to save every outdated version in a single place.

We are paper-based too, so I have a filing cabinet FULL of old documents and sign offs. 

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Following this because I would love to have an answer too.

It would be so nice to save every outdated version in a single place.

We are paper-based too, so I have a filing cabinet FULL of old documents and sign offs. 

Well, let's wish both of us good luck!

so where will you're current/live docs be kept?

1 Thank

Right now, our live documents are trend trackers and are on a shared drive, and people play nice and don't mess with them. We are working on writing a procedure for them and plan to put them on Sharepoint with protection and access limitations.

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