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Food Safety Emergency Mock Drills

Started by , Nov 23 2021 09:41 AM
13 Replies

 Dear Sir,


        We have emergency Mock drill on basis of EOHS( Eg: Fire, Snake bite , Gas leakage ) ,  But we need to be  Conduct Food Safety Mock drill(Eg: Fire , Covid 19 PAndemic, Sabotage , heavy Rains  floods, etc,)  Any Format is Available for Food Safety Mock drills, Please forward  me . 


Warm regards,


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You can try to invite someone from your company that doesn't belong to the manufactury process and ask him to try to enter in the production with something 'dangerous'.


I did it in the company that I work to analyse the behaviour of the employes. I invited one lady from accounting department and ask her to try to alocate some box (written "hazard") in the production. 


The conclusion of this mock drill was that she was approached two times by two different employes saying that she couldn't been there with that box.

This mock drill was part of our Food Defense trainning.

1 Thank

It is always nice to keep life simple.  Combine your drills.  If you have a fire drill, that's ok and ensures the protection of people. To include food safety, add a component to your exercise asking how you ensure product is protected or evaluated after a fire. Would fire suppressant chemicals be a concern? Smoke?

Even after a simple fire drill, employees should be trained to put on fresh PPE and examine their area upon return and report any food safety concerns.  


Dear Sir/ Madam,


 our organization is Food Manufacturing Process (Fruits & vegetables ,)eg:  Mango pulp or Concentrate ,Guava, Papaya , tomato etc., we  conducted  Mock drills - Emergency purpose. Fire, Snake bite ,Gas leakage only .on Basis of Food safety - Mockdrills should not  be done .Please  Guidance me . 



Warm Regards,


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Durgadevi - mock drills are mandatory for GFSI Compliance.  They can be good learning tools.  They are to be done carefully and thoughtfully so systems are tested and improved without causing actual risk or fear. 

Dear Sir/ Madam,
 our organization is Food Manufacturing Process (Fruits & vegetables ,)eg:  Mango pulp or Concentrate ,Guava, Papaya , tomato etc., we  conducted  Mock drills - Emergency purpose. Fire, Snake bite ,Gas leakage only .on Basis of Food safety - Mockdrills should not  be done .Please  Guidance me . 
Warm Regards,

Please find the above attached mock drill report for food safety 

Please find the above attached mock drill report for food safety 

Attached Files

1 Thank

Thank   you sir 

Still it need more clear  for Food Safety Emergency Mock drill record information. Can any one help in this regard.

Still it need more clear  for Food Safety Emergency Mock drill record information. Can any one help in this regard.

Sorry but unintelligible. Please clarify.

can anybosy share the mock drill on food safety for biscuit manufacturing units 

There are several different types of drills that should be done for any food manufacturing operation. Examples include a mock recall, a drill or test of your food defense system, and a test of your crisis plan. In each case, you should think of a scenario that may reasonably occur concerning your location, your operation, and your plans. Then practice how you would respond.  


      Please guidance for Food safety Emergency Mock drill frequency. 

We conduct annual mock crisis exercises in the office.


We lost points on our Supplier Assurance Audit for not conducting a full drill where we stop production and have the entire production team participate in whichever steps would be taken in the case of that specific emergency. 


We will be adding this crisis drill to also be conducted annually.

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