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Environmental Monitoring for Beef and Pork Slaughter Plant

Started by , Nov 18 2021 05:35 PM
3 Replies



I am working on building a beef harvest plant from literally, the ground up in the US.  I am trying to start building my environmental monitoring program but can't seem to find anything definitive for a slaughter facility.  


I did find an older post here from 2019 that outlined something to model for a poultry facility, I'm just wondering if it would be the same for beef.  I've worked in a pork plant previously, but beef is a whole new ballgame for me.  I'm wondering for an EMP what the best organisms would be to test for and how often to test for them.  


I appreciate any guidance you can offer! 

Thank you!  

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Simplest answer - E.coli. It is different from pork and poultry.




There are resources to help you. The best place - your state university with an agricultural department/land grant university.

I would highly recommend you determine who speak with them. The universities are experts and will lead you in the right direction for minimal if any cost.





Not just e-coli------listeria as well


Also-you want to ensure that you're herd information is complete to mitigate any potential to mad cow disease (completely separate from your EMP) and that you have a procedure in place in the event you think you've been sent contaminated animals as there are very specific steps to be taken should this even happen


I have not worked in pork, but one would assume it would be a more robust version of a Trichinosis plan 





Not just e-coli------listeria as well


Also-you want to ensure that you're herd information is complete to mitigate any potential to mad cow disease (completely separate from your EMP) and that you have a procedure in place in the event you think you've been sent contaminated animals as there are very specific steps to be taken should this even happen


I have not worked in pork, but one would assume it would be a more robust version of a Trichinosis plan 


Actually, we didn't have a trichinosis plan at either pork facility - used USDA justification of no recorded cases since like the 1930's (or whatever decade, I can't recall offhand) that it's not a significant threat.  The only thing we did there was pre-operational ATP swabbing and generic E. coli.  The goal is for this plant to receive BRC Certification within a year of beginning operations, so I want to make sure that whatever we do is in compliance for that.  


I do have a plan for SRM, the plant is owned by the owner of the single source herd, and at this time we believe we can get age verification for the cattle we bring in as they're all coming from his private feedyard (as in they can walk over).  Much better than our sister plant in Hawaii, which operates on the assumption that the cattle are over 30 months, as that's just about all they slaughter.  


Thank you for the resources, I'll check them out.  :)  

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