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Costco Addendum - HACCP Training

Started by , Nov 18 2021 05:26 PM
5 Replies

Hello everyone!


Costco addendum requires personnel responsible for HACCP to obtain formal HACCP training from a credible agency in a classroom setting. Because of COVID, a lot of the in-classroom training has been postponed. Have anyone completed online HACCP course that also meet the requirement? 


Thank you! 


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I have! 4-day NSF online training for FSSC22000, was satisfactory to the auditor (FSSC + Costco Addendum audit). Training's pretty costly though (+$1000)

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I did mine online as well. It was the one through AIB. it was about $300, per person. 

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I also did mine online (NEHA). I am a member of NEHA so it was only about 100 bucks for me. While we do not need the Costco Addendum, we had our last auditor look over our list and see that we were compliant, should we ever get a Costco contract. 

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I also did mine online (NEHA). I am a member of NEHA so it was only about 100 bucks for me. While we do not need the Costco Addendum, we had our last auditor look over our list and see that we were compliant, should we ever get a Costco contract. 

i have my people take this as well.  $220 with out the printed book, about $300 with the printed manual.   Non memeber price.   

I don't know how auditors have been instructed to evaluate this requirement with covid.   In class room is not online.   

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Cathy M. Crawford, President - HACCP Consulting Group (haccpcg.com) offers an excellent course, one on one or group training.  


Best of luck  :smile:

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