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Hygiene Swab and Air Sampling

Started by , Nov 17 2021 12:15 AM
1 Reply

I'm new in the micro lab and still learn. I took over after person did not show up at work. Before I was in production.I have diploma in Quality Lab.

Once a week I go to factory (we produce bechamel sauce) to do a swab from equipment. I use 3M Quick Swab (swab containing Letheen neutralizing buffer 1ml). I take swab roughly 10x10cm.

After I pour the buffer into Petrifilm. Can you please advise how to count colony. If 10 colony then result 10?


Second is Air Sampling. I go to chosen room or chiller and I expose APC and Y&M Petrifilm for around 5 min. Then incubate.

How to calculate the colony that grow?


Thank you so much for help.


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I'm new in the micro lab and still learn. I took over after person did not show up at work. Before I was in production.I have diploma in Quality Lab.

Once a week I go to factory (we produce bechamel sauce) to do a swab from equipment. I use 3M Quick Swab (swab containing Letheen neutralizing buffer 1ml). I take swab roughly 10x10cm.

(a) After I pour the buffer into Petrifilm. Can you please advise how to count colony. If 10 colony then result 10?


(b) Second is Air Sampling. I go to chosen room or chiller and I expose APC and Y&M Petrifilm for around 5 min. Then incubate.

How to calculate the colony that grow?


Thank you so much for help.


Hi Adam,


I assume you mean how to express the count from plate.


Answers's units should relate to yr target values for the measurements. Do you have any ?


Detailed procedures can vary with system. I'm not familiar with precise 3M method.


(a) I assume you use 1ml on 3M plate

If petrifilm count is X colonies, count/cm2 of equipment = V/A where -

V = total liquid volume in ml from which the 1ml sample for petrifilm was taken

A = equipment area in cm2 which was sampled


eg swab immersed in 200ml solution, area = 100cm2, petrifilm = 1ml/10cfu,


count = 200/100 = 2cfu/cm2  


(b) Count/unit area/unit time = cfu/area of petrifilm surface/time exposure

Units depend on yr standard and can vary, for example area in cm2 and time in hours


PS (added)- I enclose brochure for 3M swab sampling procedures. This describes 3 possible methods and the calculation methods are included. My text above matches the procedure/calculation for the middle method. As illustrated, you can easily adjust yr calculation if using the 1st or 3rd method.

3M, Petrifilm Enviro.Monitor.Procedures.pdf   1.02MB   24 downloads

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