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Lean Six Sigma Online Courses

Started by , Nov 09 2021 03:11 PM
10 Replies



I was wondering if anyone had any sugguestions of a good online training course for lean six sigma.  I am not looking for anything that is a download of a book.  I am trying to use this as part of our manufacturing and quality checks.  I have not prior knowledge of six sigma.  

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Lean manufacturing is a very complex process to learn on your own 


here's some links to get you started

https://evocon.com/a...cts or services.






Once your start down this path, you'll never look back.............unless of course, you're stuck in a facility that refuses to adopt any of these practices


A great place to introduce a methodology is in root cause analysis. Drilling down until you find the true root cause, not just what you think is the obvious answer

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Hey, I was studying six sigma at my college like 13 years ago: it was extremely overly complicated, and as to me - not practical. There are much simpler and more effective methods. And again, like somebody here mentioned: use KISS method, the simpler the better. 

Hi Olenazh, 


Can you explain the KISS method?  We are trying to figure out valid sample size for our quality checks and checks done by production during the process.  

That's easy: Keep It Simple and Stupid! Funny, eh? But that's true... RE: your sample size - that should be based on common sense (e.g. your quality check activities wouldn't affect the production processes), regulatory/customer requirements (e.g. one of our customers is asking for quality checks every 15 min, another one - every 30 min), if any, your risk assessment (e.g. quality check frequency allowing confidence that your products are safe, etc.), your company capacity (e.g. sufficient number of qc or operators performing quality checks, production runtimes, etc.)

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Thank you!  The main issue we are having is finding the defect of an unsealed jar.  It happens randomly out of nowhere, not sure if the Capper machine is causing this or the induction sealer itself.  Nothing changes in the process from when the line is started up and randomly we will find a bunch unsealed.  So basically we are checking every hour x amount of jars as QA, but it is hard to say what a valid sample size is when the machine itself seems to be unconsistent. 

Out of nowhere is not good, you must find the gap and fix it. Otherwise, all your quality checks would have no effect on the malfunctioning equipment. 

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Exactly!  It's sounding like we may just need new equipment.  We use a spindle capper and that machine is very complicated to set up.  I think that is our problem.  We also use a neckbander machine that is not realiable.  I guess we need to really dive into the equipment.  Every time we find a problem we look at those areas and identify the problem and fix, but really still unclear why it is happening. 

Just to calculate how much is problem fixing - and may be it would be really cheaper (and safer!) to purchase a new one. Think of potential customer complaints, recalls or even lawsuits, how much it would cost your company in terms of money and reputation?

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When did the issue start? Did it coincide with a different cap or vendor?  Different person setting up the machine


What about your cap supplier---what is their acceptable failure rate.....is it possible that their process is failing at a repeated time frame (after running x # of caps) and showing up as duds in your process.  What is their inspection process?


Is it the caps that have failed, or is it that they are not on correctly, those are 2 different issues. Is the amount of torque used consistent?

Do you have lags in the air pressure used on the machine (if any) etc etc etc


If you already had some well established six sigma folks, you could solve this is a week or two.........without it, throwing darts with a blindfold


Have you contacted the capper manufacturer to come on site?

I have learned from Udemy. Take a look at this course.  



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