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BRCGS clause 5.1.4 - door seal checks

Started by , Oct 12 2021 12:47 AM
3 Replies

Hello all,


I was wondering how everyone is performing the door seal check that is required in clause 5.1.4. In our warehouses trailer doors are opened prior to backing into a door. Since the seals are located on the doors, they are not visible after the trailer has been backed in. If we were to go outside to inspect the door seals, we wouldn't be able to see the top of the seals. 


I know we can't be the only distributor that has this issue, so I was hoping someone would be able and willing to share how they are conforming to this part of the standard. Thanks in advance.

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At my last job, only the receivers were allowed to remove a seal from a truck and the seal number had to recorded on our paperwork. If a truck showed up with no seal, or if the driver removed the seal themselves, we were not allowed to receive the truck. Had to contact management, who would make a decision to accept or reject the truck, and would then contact the trucking company to let them know of the issue.

I think there is confusion about 'door seal' which is the fault of the BRC and not the people posting.


There is a security door seal with numbers which if present, should be recorded. The other interpretation is the integrity of the rubber flange which seals the door to prevent contamination and where applicable heat loss. 


I think, looking at the context of the clause, the BRC are thinking about the the integrity of the rubber flange.


This should be inspected for obvious damage and if there are any doubts you get inside the trailer, get the doors closed and look to see if there is any light coming in (during daylight hours, it is not so easy on a night shift.)


It is not for any claustrophobes and when you are inside the trailer/container there is an element of trust that your colleagues are going to open the doors before you go mad. I have done this loads of times and there is always one that pretends they can't hear you.

1 Thank

We just ensure that there is no visible light entry from the inside once the trailer is backed into the dock, and also when the dock door is closed during absence of the trailer. We haven't had a problem with it so far. 

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