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Wrong batch code on finished product

Started by , Oct 07 2021 07:42 PM
5 Replies

Hello, I have recently instituted finished product checks at my company as I build out the quality program, and of course the first product inspected had an improper batch number, with extra numbers included (for example ABC-001-001-008 instead of ABC-001-008).  I do now require a check before usage of any labels and batch numbers.  Is this an allowable mistake, as we do have the records of the proper number and can track the products and this is not a mistake that is harmful to the consumer in any way, or does it need to be fixed before being shipped?  If it does need to be fixed, would I be able to have the unnecessary 001 blacked out instead of totally repackaging and labeling them?  Thank you kindly for any assistance.

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In my opinion this does not need to be fixed before shipment. You should just note on your end somehow attached to the lot or production record. Even if you didn't note this I'm sure you'd be able to figure it out.

However, I'm sure this is not the first time this has happened and you should probably get to the bottom of it and design a more resilient and error resistant system.

Before I feel comfortable answering, let's address:

this is not a mistake that is harmful to the consumer in any way


Will this batch # mistake cause a possible traceability issue for your customer? For example, the paperwork your customer receives shows ABC-001-008 when the product shows ABC-001-001-008. 

Thank you for the feedback! The company we sell them to will have the correct batch number on file, it is just with a small portion of the batch and luckily was caught.  I can make them aware that we have the incorrect information on a portion of the finished product.  If there were ever an issue with the product impacting customers (very low likelihood due to simplicity of this particular product), we would also have the correct one on file and I'll document that the product with the incorrect number is in fact part of the larger batch.

I'm sure it has happened before as well, trying to control this with all of the new quality inspections I have been implementing since arriving.

Packaging manufacturer here but we apply a label with the correct information over the incorrect information and make notes in our system to identify all of the affected product. Don't know if that's a possibility for you?

1 Thank

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