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Metal Detector Test Pieces (Fe, NFe, SUS 3.0mm)

Started by , Oct 06 2021 11:19 PM
2 Replies

Hi all;


I am just wondering if anyone could advice where we could get the test pieces for the metal detector. before we bought it from Australia but now that company has been closed, nad I have no idea where to get this from.


if anyone from the group could advice and noting that I am living in Kiribati South Pacific so would prefer if suppliers could be located in Australia or new Zealand or close for easier shipping.


Thanking you in advance.

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We use 2.0 mm Ferrous, 2.0 mm Non-ferrous and 2.0 mm stainless steel. We get them from Testrods, at https://www.testrods.com/ 

Hope this helps. They do have  Fe, NFe, SUS 3.0mm

We get ours from Detectmet UK but they have presence in Aus and N Zealand, https://detectamet.c...est-pieces.html.


Hope this helps.

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