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SQF 9 amendments - medical screening

Started by , Oct 05 2021 02:10 PM
18 Replies

SQF 9 code amendments were released. Can anyone clarify what is needed for medical screening?  


Is medical screening defined as all employees must answer certain questions before their shift and report to supervisor?

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This is the Amendment #001 Medical Screening. 


How much personal information needs to be gathered to satisfy this "screening?"


SQF 9  Personal Hygiene and Welfare (11.3 in the SQF Food Safety Code for Food Manufacturing) 


Although the requirement for medical screening is implied in each of the Personal Hygiene and
Welfare sections, it is not explicitly stated. This Procedure (SQF 028) is to advise all SQF certified sites,
certification bodies and SQF Professionals that SQFI requires a medical screening procedure to be
All sites implementing or upgrading to edition 9, shall implement a medical screening procedure for all
personnel who handle exposed product or food contact surfaces. 
The medical screening procedure shall also apply to visitors and contractors who visit areas of exposed
product or food contact surfaces.
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See this thread for comments on what different companies are doing.



Medical screening is chalkeging and as such this so called amendment needs to be challenged to SQF cause that shio is leaving port.
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We just passed our SQF unnanounced audit and we do monitor temperature of all employees before the start of their shift and they fill out a questionnaire (COVID-19 questions basically). In our SOP we indicate what measures do we take if temperature is above 100.4 F or if  they have any of the symptoms. That was sufficient for our auditor.

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Thank you, loveforfood.  We do have a procedure that we added to our employee and visitor procedures when the pandemic started.

This is very frustrating. Like most employers we had a temperature check and questionnaire in place. We stopped it about six months ago after most employees became vaccinated.


Now we have to start it back up?  Are there other options? We have a sick policy and posters up reminding employees to tell their supervisor if they are sick. 

We discussed it as a group a bit more in depth here https://www.ifsqn.co...ode-amendments/


I think the consensus is that it's not specifically calling out COVID, but more the FDA requirement and pushing that out to contractors who could be in close contact with the food.


Most of us probably already meet this with pre-employment screenings.

We discussed it as a group a bit more in depth here https://www.ifsqn.co...ode-amendments/


I think the consensus is that it's not specifically calling out COVID, but more the FDA requirement and pushing that out to contractors who could be in close contact with the food.


Most of us probably already meet this with pre-employment screenings.

I agree with Tim. It's referring to food borne illness symptoms and Hep. C symptoms.


https://www.fda.gov/...110822/download - pg. 32 - Responsibilities and Reporting Symptoms and Diagnosis

Yes, we don't mention anything about COVID since it isn't spread via food.

We just have a clause in our onboarding employee and visitor GMP agreements that they are required to sign saying if they have any of the symptoms or diagnoses specified by FDA they are required to inform their supervisor/employee they are visiting. And then a separate policy document further stating how these employees are handled (sent home, moved to non-food contact etc).

None of our clients do medical screening having to do with so called pandemics. If that continued we'd have multiple amendments to keep up with everything else they may try or have tried

This puppy has sailed. Let it go.
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We just passed our SQF unnanounced audit and we do monitor temperature of all employees before the start of their shift and they fill out a questionnaire (COVID-19 questions basically). In our SOP we indicate what measures do we take if temperature is above 100.4 F or if  they have any of the symptoms. That was sufficient for our auditor.


Hi loveforfood, What do you have in place for visitors or contractors that visit your facility? TIA

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Congratulations on your audit Loveforfood!   My audit is next week. I am hoping what we have is sufficient. We do NOT check temperatures. Employees self check at home. If they are not feeling well or have a temp they stay home. Visitors are asked a series of questions prior to entry.   Covid 19 is not a food safety issue so I do not understand how they can audit for this.  

Congratulations on your audit Loveforfood!   My audit is next week. I am hoping what we have is sufficient. We do NOT check temperatures. Employees self check at home. If they are not feeling well or have a temp they stay home. Visitors are asked a series of questions prior to entry.   Covid 19 is not a food safety issue so I do not understand how they can audit for this.  

They technically can't audit for COVID (OSHA can however). This clause is referring to food borne illnesses.

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at the sqf roundtable re: this amendment, screening can mean by self or visual by supervisor or a doctors note


BUT make sure your program includes next steps (go home, non product contact work) in the event someone does self report as positive from a communicable disease transmitted through food

My understanding of Medical Screening:

It requires all food employees to report to management information about their health and activities as they relate to pathogens that are transmissible through FOOD as well as reportable symptoms and past illness. According to the FDA Food Code 2017, a Food Employee is defined as an individual working with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or food-contact surfaces.

There are 6 pathogens of concern: Norovirus, Hepatitis A virus, Shigella spp., Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli, Typhoid fever (caused by Salmonella Typhi) or Salmonella (nontyphoidal).

Covid-19 is a separate issue since it is not a pathogen that is transmissible through FOOD.


Visitors and Contractors: applies to those who visit areas of exposed product or food contact surfaces. They should complete a health questionnaire.





1 Thank



My understanding of Medical Screening:

It requires all food employees to report to management information about their health and activities as they relate to pathogens that are transmissible through FOOD as well as reportable symptoms and past illness. According to the FDA Food Code 2017, a Food Employee is defined as an individual working with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or food-contact surfaces.

There are 6 pathogens of concern: Norovirus, Hepatitis A virus, Shigella spp., Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli, Typhoid fever (caused by Salmonella Typhi) or Salmonella (nontyphoidal).

Covid-19 is a separate issue since it is not a pathogen that is transmissible through FOOD.


Visitors and Contractors: applies to those who visit areas of exposed product or food contact surfaces. They should complete a health questionnaire.



Can you post the reference for where those 6 pathogens you are mentioning are from? I was in the FDA website but they posted more than 6.

In Canada, you cannot legally ask your employees about specific illnesses


HOWEVER, you train them that the REPORTING of communicable diseases (like the above examples) MUST be reported and alternative work shall be provided to them


be careful with the wording, loop in HR if you can

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