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Allergen Management

Started by , Oct 04 2021 04:24 PM
20 Replies
Allergen Management

Start Time: Tuesday, December 14.  2:00 PM London, 9:00 AM New York

Amanda Evans-Lara, Food Safety Compliance Specialist, HACCP Mentor
Ask Me Anything discussion session on Allergen Management.


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I am looking forward to taking your questions about allergen management in Food Safety Live 2021!

I am looking forward to taking your questions about allergen management in Food Safety Live 2021!


How can you validate that soybean oil doesn't have the allergen present?

Talking about the big 8 allergens, which can be fatal if consumed and which ones are not?

Could you please post the link to the website that you mentioned that could be be used to determine the possible allergens in food?

What is the best allergen test kit for fish? I am employed to a meat plant and fish plant? 

Do cleaning chemicals and laundry detergents/chemicals normally have allergens? 



I am looking forward to taking your questions about allergen management in Food Safety Live 2021!

In case you declare that your products "may contain" for example 10 allergens, due to circumstances of your process, which are the minimum requirements that must be presented during an audit to evidence that "you did the expected"?

Hi Amanda


Thank you answering some of my questions. This Q/A was very useful. I have a few others if you don't mind


1. in your opinion do you think visual labels such as allergen placards are necessary if allergens are segregated systematically?

2. Could randomly swabbing personnel/employees/secondary packaging be a form of risk assessment or could this possibly create more issues if a result comes out to be positive?

3. Does allergen in finished product packaging need to be segrgeated by type of allergen? How about raw material? Do they need to be segregated by type of allergen?


We don't have ay GFSI recognized certificate but we have AIB which seems to be mostly focused on IPM, Sanitation and Facility maintenance and PM


Thank you so much


Amanda , You mentioned a references to guidance documents from Codex . Please can you give titles and links?

Thanks for all of the questions asked during my AMA session at Food Safety Live 2021. If I was not able to answer your question during the allocated time, please feel free to ask in this forum. If you are looking to learn more about food allergens and putting together your allergen management programs, please check out my Ultimate Guide to Allergen Management at: https://haccpmentor....gen-management/

Could you please post the link to the website that you mentioned that could be be used to determine the possible allergens in food?


Check out https://haccpmentor....known-allergens. You can see the link as Unexpected Allergens in Food

Amanda , You mentioned a references to guidance documents from Codex . Please can you give titles and links?


Hi Francis. You can find it at: https://www.fao.org/...%2FCXC_080e.pdf

How can you validate that soybean oil doesn't have the allergen present?


Validation: The supplier would advise to you that the raw material does not contain allergens.

Verification: You have the raw material tested to see if it contains your particular allergen of concern.

Talking about the big 8 allergens, which can be fatal if consumed and which ones are not?


All allergens have the potential to be fatal if consumed. It really does depend on the allergic consumer. Peanut and nuts have been associated with death. If you complete a google search you can find plenty of case examples of fatalities related to the consumption of food containing allergens.

What is the best allergen test kit for fish? I am employed to a meat plant and fish plant? 

Do cleaning chemicals and laundry detergents/chemicals normally have allergens? 

(1) Best ask your local laboratory as there are different test kits for different types of fish.

(2) Both have known to contain allergens. For any that you are using, best to contact the supplier and also refer to the material specification sheet.

In case you declare that your products "may contain" for example 10 allergens, due to circumstances of your process, which are the minimum requirements that must be presented during an audit to evidence that "you did the expected"?



I am not sure that I completely understand your question Marcia :(  The use of 'may contain' statements on product labels should always be validated using an acceptable methodology. You may like to check out the VITAL Program which is a risk-based tool to assess the impact of allergen cross contact to provide appropriate precautionary allergen labelling. You an see more at: https://vital.allergenbureau.net/


If I was auditing your facility and completed a label review, I would expect to see sound, relevant justifications as to what 'may contain' allergen statements you have made on label.  When I see unvalidated claims it tells me as an auditor that your cleaning processes are not effective in preventing cross-contact allergens.

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Hi Amanda


Thank you answering some of my questions. This Q/A was very useful. I have a few others if you don't mind


1. in your opinion do you think visual labels such as allergen placards are necessary if allergens are segregated systematically?

2. Could randomly swabbing personnel/employees/secondary packaging be a form of risk assessment or could this possibly create more issues if a result comes out to be positive?

3. Does allergen in finished product packaging need to be segrgeated by type of allergen? How about raw material? Do they need to be segregated by type of allergen?


We don't have ay GFSI recognized certificate but we have AIB which seems to be mostly focused on IPM, Sanitation and Facility maintenance and PM


Thank you so much


(1) Yes - allergens should always be clearly labelled. It helps to avoid cross-contact or ingredient misuse.


(2) What you mention is more verification rather than risk assessment. Risk assessment assesses the potential risks involved in a nominated activity. Your results of verification (e.g. the swabbing you mention) could be used (absent of any other data) as the starting point for assessing 'likelihood' of the particular allergen being present.


Doing the type of swabbing that you mention can give insights into the effectiveness of cleaning and presence of your target allergen.


(3) Raw materials, ingredients, WIP and finished products should be clearly labelled with their allergen status. Segrating storage helps to prevent allergen cross-contact.

Here the link to an International Regulatory Chart for food allergen labelling regulations. https://farrp.unl.edu/IRChart


It is a great resource to see what allergens are declarable by law in what countries.

Good morning, I have the following questions:


1. When performing a visual inspection for cleanliness after an allergen run, we focus on food contact areas and then inspect non food contact areas. This allows us to check the entirety of the equipment, not just what is direct contact. Would you say this is a normal practice in the industry? I have experienced push back due to inspecting non food contact areas as well.


2. We sometimes have runs with tree nuts, where one product may have almonds, another walnuts, and a third pecans. I remember finding a chart or some info  in regards to risk between tree nuts to schedule our runs and still did a cleanup between. Could you please provide info if this would be the best approach? Would the cleanup in between these types of tree nuts also be considered an allergen changeover even when the allergens are in the same category.


3. I have been asked about transferring employees from an allergen run, lets say tree nuts, to a product that does not contain tree nuts. Employees wash their hands, change hairnets and remove their 'tree nut' apron and place on their regular/clean apron. An inspection is also conducted on the shirt/pants to see if there is any product left on it and determine if they can be transferred. Would you recommend something different?


thank you!

I am looking forward to taking your questions about allergen management in Food Safety Live 2021!


Amanda - I have Question- for Seafood Manufacturer , the raw material ( whole) all three group Fish, Crustaceans , Cephalopod / Mollusk is coming from same source Sea water) , . As per EU Regulation EC 1169 all these three is in separate Allergen group. Now when company “A” only produce Crustaceans. However this Crustaceans is coming from same water , where other 2 (Fish,  Cephalopod / Mollusc) live, what company “A” should do with regards to May contain labelling ? What Regulatory guideline here from EU in this situation.     

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