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Covid Mask Wearing in Manufacturing

Started by , Sep 30 2021 03:08 AM
6 Replies



The city where I live has just now had its first diagnosed case of Covid and we are having to determine our way forward.  Masks are now required.

I am seeking ideas on how other manufacturing sites managed wearing of masks in the workplace.  Any identified risks?  If so, how were they controlled.

Also, the masks that we have on site do not allow the wearing of a beard snood as well.  Which risk outweighs the other risk?


NB - I would appreciate all helpful suggestions and not a debate regarding Covid.


Thanking you in advance


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The city where I live has just now had its first diagnosed case of Covid and we are having to determine our way forward.  Masks are now required.

I am seeking ideas on how other manufacturing sites managed wearing of masks in the workplace.  Any identified risks?  If so, how were they controlled.

Also, the masks that we have on site do not allow the wearing of a beard snood as well.  Which risk outweighs the other risk?


NB - I would appreciate all helpful suggestions and not a debate regarding Covid.


Thanking you in advance


Hi JE,

Perhaps an initial browse through the extensive Forum which you have posted in. IIRC yr queries have been addressed at depth in numerous discussions. Australia is maybe sort of late to the (non)-Party.


IMEX the CDC website is also a Goldmine of current Manufacturing viewpoints..

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We have company issued masks. They are placed just inside the door and must be put on upon entry


For the record (in Canada), no one is discussing the "risks" associated (negligible anyway) with the masks, not our SQF auditor, who say 10 feet away during our audit, or our CFIA inspectors (who didn't come on site at all for the first 14 months)   CFIA are wearing the same type of masks as we are


We have covid checks that are done throughout the day and recorded for files


If your region has determined that masks are required, by default (IMO) you should believe the mask outweighs the beard snood


As the parent of a child not old enough to get vaccinated, it behooves me to protect her. Period   

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We supply all employees with a new disposable mask everyday when they clock in. If you allow employees to wear a cloth (washable) mask then you will have to supply them with cleaning instructions and have somebody inspect them which would be entertaining to watch but gross. This would be similar to having a clean uniform. Also you can wear a mask and buy bigger beard snoods to cover, if you have evaluated that facial hair is a food safety concern you cannot make it mute by saying a mask will protect product from facial hair. Your solution to one problem does not always reduce the risk of another. Also at my place of employment all who have tested positive in the last 3 months are fully vaccinated. I'd supply a fresh clean disposable mask daily and buy a bigger beard snood. 

Basically, my country requires mask to be worn once you step out of your house. Wearing of mask is beneficial to the safe production of foods as it helps to prevent human contamination to cooked foods. My company provides mask for every employees and is distributed via departmental level and requires it to be worn at work irrespective of whether you are in the factory or in an office. Initially it feels uncomfortable especially in a hot and humid climate but eventually you will get used to it.

I don't see it an issue if your climate is cool / cold and dry.  :smile:  

Basically, my country requires mask to be worn once you step out of your house. Wearing of mask is beneficial to the safe production of foods as it helps to prevent human contamination to cooked foods. My company provides mask for every employees and is distributed via departmental level and requires it to be worn at work irrespective of whether you are in the factory or in an office. Initially it feels uncomfortable especially in a hot and humid climate but eventually you will get used to it.

I don't see it an issue if your climate is cool / cold and dry.  :smile:  

Hi Jeff,


Note that this is a Covid-oriented sub-forum.


Re ^^^(red) - Do you have any validated evidence of Covid-19 being transmitted via food in Singapore ? afaik, this would be a Global first case.

afaik, the masks are intended to prevent human-to-human contamination.

You need to find a solution to be able to wear the mask and the beard snood.  An alternative to a mask is a face shield.

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