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Is there any problem with having a microwave in the shipping area for truck drivers?

Started by , Sep 13 2021 06:42 PM
6 Replies

quick question:


i have a driver who has been delivering to us for over 20 years, before he used to come in and warm up his food in a microwave where he would not enter production or the warehouse, we are now moving into a new facility and the driver would have to enter the production room to get into the microwave area.


i do not want a driver to enter production, is there any risk with keeping a microwave on the shipping dock for the driver to use, he will not be around any exposed product.


thank you

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How are you going to explain to your employees that they cannot have food there an then bring in a microwave for a person who isn't even one of your employees?  Better to just give him advance notice that they will no longer have a microwave to use


But if you must............


It must be included on the sanitation schedule so it doesn't become a source of contamination


How do you explain this re: site security and food defense??????


I agree with Scampi - I wouldn't put a microwave in the dock area just for him.


If you really want to accommodate them - if there is an office in the dock area/the driver wouldn't have to go through production, put the microwave in there.


Maybe someone else on the driver's route has a microwave they can use and it won't be a big deal.

You guys are nicer than I am.  If a truck driver even tried to eat inside my building, I'd tell him to wait until he leaves to eat or drink anything, or go out and sit in his truck and eat while we load/unload.   

I do offer every driver I speak to personally a cup of coffee, and if they say yes I fetch it myself.  But food?   No.   A driver at my place isn't allowed to leave the shipping dock other than to use the bathroom...


We rarely allow drivers inside the building! We run paperwork to them and if they need to verify quantities they're let in then right back out. Anyone related to the "food supply" needs to maintain a secure facility per the 2002 Bioterrorism Act (in the US). Our system identified production areas as any area that is not a designated office or designated break area, all other areas are production areas including Shipping. There is however an office there that could have a microwave in it but we require all employees to take breaks in the break area(s).

quick question:


i have a driver who has been delivering to us for over 20 years, before he used to come in and warm up his food in a microwave where he would not enter production or the warehouse, we are now moving into a new facility and the driver would have to enter the production room to get into the microwave area.


i do not want a driver to enter production, is there any risk with keeping a microwave on the shipping dock for the driver to use, he will not be around any exposed product.


thank you


Quick answer - Yes. To yr job. ++.


Just some information to consider before making your decision on the microwave. All our truck drivers could use our tea room & toilets but since covid-19 they now have a portable toilet/ washing area which is cleaned twice daily and we have written into our policy which all trucking companies have been issued with and all trucks have a copy in their cab on the new requirements. This includes that if truck drivers require drinks/coffee/food they must byo and consume in their cab. They must not leave their cab except toilet while on our premises. This was hard to start off with as most of our truck drivers are regular and very long term. It is now accepted by all and will continue on after the pandemic has gone. 

Cheers Carol 

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