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Best and most affordable meter to measure ozone concentration.

Started by , Sep 13 2021 10:50 AM
1 Reply

My company purchased an ozone generator and wants to run a shelf life study. 


I work for a poultry processing company. We are looking to extend the shelf life of our fresh product. 


Does anyone have any recommendations on a reliable but affordable device that can measure ozone concentration in ppm? 


Or better yet a way to calculate it without a device/meter? 


Thanks for the help. 



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I've worked with ozone generator suppliers.


Usually, the ozone people measure the ozone indirectly, using ORP meters.  ORP is oxidation-redox potential.  The measurement is of the electrical activity of the ozonated water, in millivolts.  A higher ORP reading = better sanitising effect. 


ORP meters are expensive, but will give you accurate results. 


You can also get paper test strips for ozone concentration, these are used for measuring water quality in swimming pools, spas (jacuzzis), etc.  They aren't particularly accurate and might not work for the range you are targetting, but will be low cost. 


I think if it was me, I would request to borrow your ozone generator supplier's ORP meter for the duration of your shelf life trials.  They should also be able to tell you what ORP to use for your desired outcome. 



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