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Ozone machine - shelf life study

Started by , Sep 10 2021 05:11 PM
2 Replies



I work for a poultry processing company. We are looking to extend the shelf life of our fresh product by doing an ozone bath before vacuum packaging. 


My boss wants me to do a pseudo shelf life study (not interested in spending much money, he is just curious if we can get any positive results that suggest the system would work and is worth further investing in). 


I don't have access to a device that measures the ozone concentration. 


Is there any way I can estimate/calculate the ozone concentration (in ppm) without a device?


This is the information the ozone generator provides me;


L/min of O2






Ozone Output %



Thanks and would appreciate any help you could offer 

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sorry, you won't be able to guessimate, too many variables


how exactly does he think you can "bath" the poultry in ozone?  From what I found, the idea is to generate an electrical charge AFTER packaging to create ozone within an already sealed package


Or do you mean an ozone flush, like traditional MAP?







The link is from 1995, my guess is if it really functioned well and had a great ROI, all poultry processors would be using it......to the best of my knowledge, in Canada, no one is

sorry, you won't be able to guessimate, too many variables


how exactly does he think you can "bath" the poultry in ozone?  From what I found, the idea is to generate an electrical charge AFTER packaging to create ozone within an already sealed package


Or do you mean an ozone flush, like traditional MAP?







The link is from 1995, my guess is if it really functioned well and had a great ROI, all poultry processors would be using it......to the best of my knowledge, in Canada, no one is


Thanks for the response. 


My understanding is it is used in Canada, our main supplier uses a combination of gaseous ozone and a "dip" in aqueous ozone and has found success. Added 2 days to their shelf life. 


I am just surprised I cant find any information on how the ratios of O2, voltage and ozone output % interact to determine the ppm. 

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