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What to test for in an Environmental Monitoring Program?

Started by , Sep 01 2021 03:10 PM
5 Replies

I am at a new job. 


The environmental monitoring program we tested for APC, Yeast, Mold, Coliform. 


Question 1 - Is this normal to test for those in environmental testing. 

Question 2 –  I am quest the limit on the Yeast, Mold, at <100 CFU. Everyone else that I talked to said <1,000 CFU.  


Any feedback is welcome. 

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Environmental for what: surfaces, water, air? I test air for Y&M (less than 100 cfu), water - for TC & E. Coli, surfaces - for Listeria.

Hi Touchdown,


EMP tests will depend on your specific product and hazards relevant to that operation - what do you do/make?

We do surface testing. 

We made soy protein crisps 

Y&M on food contact surfaces (fcs) after cleaning/sanitation should surely be very low, eg not detected. Especially for RTE.


It's "normal" to test for pathogens on fcs. Especially in USA.


Examples -






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