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FDA Contacted me after a Consumer Complaint

Started by , Aug 22 2021 11:31 PM
10 Replies

Hi, the FDA contacted me after one consumer bought our product (raw fruit-low risk) in the supermarket and found some type of insect and contacted the FDA to complain about it. The FDA is asking for our facilities and Importers' information. What does it mean? Do you guys have a similar experience? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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The FDA contacted me after one consumer bought our product (raw fruit-low risk) in the supermarket and found some type of insect and contacted the FDA to complain about it. The FDA is asking for our facilities and Importers' information.

What does it mean? Do you guys have a similar experience?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!


Hi MS,


It might relate to which FDA is involved and what type of insect.

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Hi Charles,


Thank you for your response. The complaint rep of the Human and Animal Food Operations/ Investigations Branch contacted us after spider webs and spiders were on the product.

When I'm contacted by CFIA RE: customer complaint, they usually send me questions about our production, processes, etc. Then, depending on my answers, they might find them satisfactory or decide to come to the facility. Nothing to be afraid of, just be honest and detailed.

Hi Charles,


Thank you for your response. The complaint rep of the Human and Animal Food Operations/ Investigations Branch contacted us after spider webs and spiders were on the product.


Right. Which government are you operating under?


US, UK, Belgium. South Korea?  The world is large and you didn't list a home country

FDA located in USA.



The FDA contacted me after one consumer bought our product (raw fruit-low risk) in the supermarket and found some type of insect and contacted the FDA to complain about it. The FDA is asking for our facilities and Importers' information.

What does it mean? Do you guys have a similar experience?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!



So depending on what type of spider, (venomous or non) the US FDA will mostly likely want your inspection results from monthly walk throughs. lists of what vendors you use, what they are doing to eliminate such spiders and risks to consumers.  Also, they will want to know how you will deal with the customer.

So the spider couldn't have come from the supermarket now could it?


If you can show process in place at your site for insect control and they are effective - pest control reports, data and spiders found, spider activity in your facility, visible webs etc?


Show that you have controls in place, show that there is no activity, show that there is no webbing in and around the area the fruit is packed.


Ask yourself could it have come from us? If so check from where. Anything to show that it could not have come in with other deliveries, from the supermarket itself, fruit is all staged on display, how do they know that its not come from another fruit vendor and just happened to be found on your piece of fruit? So many variables when it comes to pest management and complaints of  this nature and the consumer went to the FDA, really, why not the supermarket?

This thread is pretty interesting to me!

Give us an update on this when/if you can please Micro.


One other question I had, was it cut or peeled fruit?

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