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Interview about achieving SQF Certification

Started by , Aug 11 2021 02:52 PM
2 Replies

Hi, good day everyone. My company obtained SQF certification for Manufacturing In April 2021. We manufacture herbal teas, spices and gluten free flour. Our company is small, with approx 30 persons. So, as with many companies EVERYTHING falls on the QA department. I had to do the entire requirements for the SQF Audit. Now, my company wants to do an interview about their certification.
There’s questions I will be asked and I’m sure the answer I want to give is not the answer they will want. Ex. That the Qa department have to all the work etc. I’m asking my fellow frds to list suitable answers to the questions I will be listed 1. What was the process involved leading up to the certification 2. When did you get confirmation that the company was SQF certified 3. What does this say to the quality of your products 4. How prestigious is this certification in the local food sector 5. How did a small company like yours achieve such a certification. Answers are needed ASAP. Thanks in advance

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I don't have a set of good answers for you, but you may want to read through the archive for Quality Assurance Magazine (https://www.qualitya...g.com/magazine/) as they run these type of profiles of companies all the time and you can probably get an idea of how other companies respond to the question. Below is a link to the profile on Amy's Kitchen, that may help you get some ideas of how to frame your responses. 



I most definitely will
Thank you

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