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Validation on plastic cling wrap used to cover downpipes when not in use

Started by , Jul 05 2021 07:14 AM
5 Replies

Good Morning Food Safety Guru's. Trust you are all keeping well and safe. I have been requested a validation by one of our customers regarding the use of shrink wrap that is being used on our packing site.  This shrinkwrap is being used on our downpipes on the mezzanine hopper loading level and sometimes also being used  between 2 downpipes to secure and ensure no leaks on the downpipes. (making direct contact with the packaging)   Has any one done a validation of the similar nature to share with me. Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards




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Greetings Kelpack,


Validation for what? Microbiological/chemical parameters? That it is adequate for the intended use you have it for (as a sealant maybe)?


An easy answer is that if it is food grade (CoA and/or MSDS) then you don't have to prove something that proves itself, but that goes only for the direct contact part, not taking into account temparature maybe that may cause deterioration if it is high or integrity if there is stress applied due to the process or any other parameter that you want to take into account for the validation etc.



Good Day Evans


Thank you for your assistance.


Validation to be carried out on Micro aspects and on possible foreign object 


Trying to do the validation with pictures of how it is being used in the 2 different areas.


I need to do the validation report  very professionally as the Customer in question is very difficult and hard to please.


I am looking for a good example of a similar validation done.




For the micro you are going to need analyses from a lab (swabs from the material). Ideally you should get a few samples before the start, maybe in the middle and at the end of the process. the start will give you your baseline and the rest will form the trend. Theoretically your trend will be a straight line (y axis) through time (x axis). That's the measurable parameter. To make it more professional you can take samples from 2 or 3 different productions to show that the results are repeatidly good and make a statistical analysis of them (mean values etc).

The other is more of an observable parameter and here the pictures can come in handy were you get some of the material at the start and then at the end of the process to show that it is intact and no holes have formed due to the process itself, from which foreign objects may pass. Couple it with the pictures of how it is used, put them all in a nice excel/word/presentation, with a graph and the data you have gathered accordingly and you should be ok!

1 Thank

Thank you very much Evans for your assistance that was really helpful.  


Much Appreciated


Kind Regards

Hi Kelpack


First time I have ever seen such a query except for refrigeration lines.


Yr customer must have an exquisite eye for details unless there was a possibility of direct food contact.

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