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Myers Briggs Personality Tests

Started by , Jul 01 2021 07:21 PM
16 Replies

So in the ever evolving world of Quality I've often wondered if our personality types make us good at our job or if our job helps mold our personality types?  I was recently given a Myers Briggs test and the results were INTJ, as well as a high D on a DISC profile.  Looking at the traits/characteristics of this type makes me wonder if I am inherently an over analytical data driven crazy person or if doing this job since I was 19 years old has formed me into this type of person. 


Just curious to see if anyone else has any experience/thoughts on this matter. 

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Hi Tara, INTJ here.


Data driven, analytical, but with the ability to see the big picture and build things.  Good traits for a quality manager or senior business executive.





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Ha, yeah, you probably have a point.   I'm organized and clean around my house to the point of driving my family crazy, lol.  I'm certainly curious about everything, very mechanically inclined.   I'm afraid to let other people fix my cars or boats because I don't trust they'll do it right, stuff like that.  

I should get together an SOP for my kid to clean his room.  Hey, that's totally normal, right?!?!?!??!?!??!?!

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When my girlfriend and I moved to Texas, I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with tabs listing each kitchen cupboard and drawers inventory. I'm not sure why I assumed she would be impressed; she was not.

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When my girlfriend and I moved to Texas, I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with tabs listing each kitchen cupboard and drawers inventory. I'm not sure why I assumed she would be impressed; she was not.

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All I know is that i'm the messiest, most unorganized person in my department. My desk is always mess and I tend to do tasks as I go without having agendas or a list. I manage to do all well. Also? I was recently promoted to Manager :D 

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I was given a Meyers Briggs test about 13 years ago and was an INTJ. Then was diagnosed with Asperger's 2 years later. I'm very analytical and tend to have very Black/White or rigid thinking which can be really hard to deal with when there is the grey in between areas that tend to be prevalent.

I believe our personalities tend to attract us to certain positions.  About every company I've worked for has some type of personality test they give to management.  Some of them we gather together and discuss the results which are not really shocking or provide any revelations for personalities in their functional position.  INTJ and ISTJ tends to dominate the QA and maintenance functions.  On the opposite end with sales and marketing they are typically ESTP or ESFP personality types.


I don't believe, in my experience, the job affects your personality type to a significant degree.  But hey that's me....


As far as my type it modulates between ANTJ and ISTJ.


Interesting stuff though.

This!!!  My husband has actually joined groups to try to understand my INTJ traits better because he and I are complete opposites - my black and white thinking drives him up a wall.  And let me just say I think an EXCEL spreadsheet like that sounds AMAZING!


When my girlfriend and I moved to Texas, I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with tabs listing each kitchen cupboard and drawers inventory. I'm not sure why I assumed she would be impressed; she was not.

When my girlfriend and I moved to Texas, I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with tabs listing each kitchen cupboard and drawers inventory. I'm not sure why I assumed she would be impressed; she was not.

I told my Fiancé that if she doesn't start putting things in the correct cabinet I'm going to put up 5S labels on the cabinets!  :rofl2:​ 


I've found that my Myers-Briggs result tends to vary depending on what mood I'm in on the day I take it, although it's always Ixxx.


When my girlfriend and I moved to Texas, I created an EXCEL spreadsheet with tabs listing each kitchen cupboard and drawers inventory. I'm not sure why I assumed she would be impressed; she was not.

I can't believe she doesn't realise how lucky she is -if I was female I'd marry you based solely on this.

I recently plotted date distributions of all of my favourite paintings and music, and found the process very enjoyable. Perhaps this is an activity that the two of you could enjoy together? :ejut:



I did have an interesting experience a few years ago that made me think a little about the OP's question. Having accidentally got myself referred for a clinical diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, I learnt that the first stage of assessment is a questionnaire that leaves no scope for providing explanation/context for one's answers. When it asks about whether one thinks about "dirt and germs" (or something to that effect) on surfaces and items, there is no way to add "yes, but I'm supposed to do this as it's what my employer pays me for". Follow-up discussion didn't really help either - who among us doesn't think that the average door handle or shopping trolley is probably disgusting?

They also ask about numbers and patterns, which didn't really go in my favour either, hence the diagnosis of mild OCD.

My doctor actually told me that she "wouldn't normally say this to a patient, but as a consumer it's actually quite a reassuring trait for someone in your line of work." :happydance:

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This is really interesting....also INTJ here...............but like one of the PP my desk is ALWAYS a disaster (in appearance I know exactly where everything is!)


I cannot tell you the number of times I have yelled at my computer due to an "error" the person who held my position did previously............changed everything INCLUDING the header layout in the program because the old one drove me absolutely around the bend


Anyone else get bored very easily?


I'm on the line between INTJ and INTP; I test as an INTJ but identify as an INTP.


I've noticed that QA people tend to be introverts and wondered if that's what makes them better at their jobs?

I believe our personalities tend to attract us to certain positions.  About every company I've worked for has some type of personality test they give to management.  Some of them we gather together and discuss the results which are not really shocking or provide any revelations for personalities in their functional position.  INTJ and ISTJ tends to dominate the QA and maintenance functions.  On the opposite end with sales and marketing they are typically ESTP or ESFP personality types.


I don't believe, in my experience, the job affects your personality type to a significant degree.  But hey that's me....


As far as my type it modulates between ANTJ and ISTJ.


Interesting stuff though.

Well, this is a revelations..........spouse is a millwright.............no wonder we butt heads sometimes, we both know we're right LOL

This is really interesting....also INTJ here...............but like one of the PP my desk is ALWAYS a disaster (in appearance I know exactly where everything is!)


I cannot tell you the number of times I have yelled at my computer due to an "error" the person who held my position did previously............changed everything INCLUDING the header layout in the program because the old one drove me absolutely around the bend


Anyone else get bored very easily?

I like to call it an organized mess.


Grammatical errors bother me including extra spaces.

I like to call it an organized mess.


Grammatical errors bother me including extra spaces.

 You can do something perfectly, but you CANNOT do it perfect


If I have $5 for every time I heard that, I would be sitting on the beach in Bali making baskets

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 You can do something perfectly, but you CANNOT do it perfect


If I have $5 for every time I heard that, I would be sitting on the beach in Bali making baskets


I like it. I also worked for a newspaper for two years. My main job was proof-reading. I feel that's where it comes from.

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