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SQF Audit CAPA rejected from CB

Started by , Jun 21 2021 02:57 PM
13 Replies

Has anyone ever had a CAPA rejected when they submitted them. If you have 23 working days to submit your Corrective Actions and the CB has 7 days to review, what happens if one or more is rejected? Does the 23 days get reset for you to complete the rejected one? Anyone ever have this happen?

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You don't get another chance-----you'd have to beg for an extension, and unless it's related to a capitol expenditure, not likely to be granted


Get your CAPA in early so you still have time to adjust if need be


FYI once CFIA makes it to your establishment, the same will apply there as well

Scampi, so there are no second chances is what you are saying. But they will allow you to adjust/revise before the 23th day deadline is what I'm understanding from you. Is this correct?

You have a certain amount of days to correct the issue, 30, if I remember correctly.

The review time counts as days and the clock doesn't stop ticking. This is why corrective action has to be completed as soon as possible.

You may request an extension, but you are at the mercy of the CB or the auditor to accommodate this request.

I understand the 30 day ticking clock but what I am not sure about is can you make a second correction action for the same NC within that time frame if they do not accept the first corrective action you've submitted?


If there's ample time, it is possible to submit a second corrective action if the first has been rejected.

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Thanks for all the replies. New to the SQF Auditing world so not sure how these NC's work.


One more question: What happens if you have one or two rejected CAR's? Do they not issue a certificate than?

You are required to close all non-conformances out within the allotted time frame or else you are not awarded a certificate.

It doesn't matter if it's one or twenty, they must all be closed out.



Download the code and go to page 23


It is laid out plain there about what would happen in that scenario  (i.e. not good--you'll have to reapply for certification and/or not be certified until then)

Always need to plan for issues, thus you get your corrections in as soon as possible instead of waiting 23 days to do so.


Having been an SQF Auditor it did not always work out there were enough days, etc. left.


Ultimately there are no extensions - well there might be a possibility but you will need to beg the CB.


I would begin that process now.

Thanks for all the information everyone. I have downloaded Ed. 9 and will read up on that.

Just minor notes to add - you state 23 "Working" days but all CARs need to be accepted by auditor in 30 "Calendar" days - so again as stated, best practice is to submit soonest possible to allow auditor time to review and then you still have time to rework and resubmit your CAPA  within the 30 calendar days if necessary. 

Also, to my knowledge this is the protocol for all GFSI certifications likely since the start - not new to SQF V9.

Our auditor has let me email him and let him know I got them done.  He checked it within a day.  I had to correct one of mine 3 times in that small time frame.

Oh so glad it worked out - though very stressful situation!


Congratulations on your certification - now to take time and celebrate the accomplishment.

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