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SQF In-house Identification and Isolation/Quarantine

Started by , Jun 17 2021 07:25 PM
1 Reply

Hello all, I'm new to SQF Storage and Distribution.  Does anyone have any insight into what SQF is looking for in (Product Withdrawal and Recall) for in-house identification and isolation/quarantine as part of a mock recall?

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What this would require you to do is have procedures in place pertaining how you control product in the event there is a request to hold either from your facility or from a customers request.  You should follow those procedures and demonstrate that you are able to control product in your possession as well as provide documentation where it came from (one back) and where you shipped it to (one forward).  They require you to provide the mock recall results annually but many auditors look for at least two a year.  Also make sure if you use different systems for different customers you challenge those as well.  Some WMS systems can provide mock recall results in minutes where as those without computer backup may take hours or more.  Their goal is to ensure when there is a problem you can react quickly and provide accurate results. 

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