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Leaving an unclean equipment on the line

Started by , Jun 16 2021 09:09 PM
7 Replies

We make frozen meat topped product in ambient production environment, while fully complying with regulatory requirements. During a product change over, is it acceptable to leave a meat applicator that's used to run the previous product, unclean, on the line, while running the next product that doesn't need this piece of equipment? This meat applicator can be scraped of any buildups during the change over, but can't be washed (too large to be rolled out). The line will most likely run for another 8 hours before it goes down for sanitation. Would like to know your thoughts on this. Thanks. Piki

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Why don't you run the other product first?

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This scenario given would be if we had to run it this way under a given situation. Ideally yes, we would run it the other way to avoid this change over.

It is a risky situation if you have hanging dirty equipment. I would stop and clean prior to the other product.

i completely disagree assuming a couple of things


1) the used and dirty piece of equipment is contained and does not pose a risk


2) cleaning it in situ will create a contamination issue whereby you'll be spreading the product all over clean equipment


Develop tags, similar to lock out tags and use them in this scenario

Sounds like a lot a hazards that you do not want to deal with.

If you do have to make sure you run a risk analysis.


-Are there allergens used on the piece of  equipment? (if yes, you cannot run any product that does not contain these allergens!)
-Are there any product claims (free from XYZ, organic etc.) on the end product that the previous product may contradict?
-Is there any microbiological or pathogenic risk from the previous production?


My collegeau's often ask me if they can run product X after high risk product Y. I always tell them no problem, as long as they deep clean the line. And then they always suddenly find  of a better solution :giggle: . 

Weigh up the fallout risks of product contamination (product recall) vs reward of saving a few labour hours removing the machine during change over?

My gut feeling without seeing the process is removing it. Otherwise can you bag up nozzles and any product contact surfaces to reduce risk. Has anyone swabbed the equipment just prior to the machine being removed after sitting unused for 8hrs?

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