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Date Powder Nut Facts Declaration

Started by , Jun 02 2021 05:24 PM
1 Reply

Hello! This question is related to the added sugars declaration in the Nutrition Facts label. According to my current understanding of FDA regulation and Guidance the agency has issued, if a fruit powder comes from the whole fruit (not juice), it does not need to be declared as "Added Sugars" in the Nutrition Facts Panel. Hence, if a company uses date powder that is made from grinding dehydrated, whole dates, the sugars that comes from this ingredient would not need to be declared in the "Added Sugars". Can someone corroborate this information? I just need to make sure that it is OK that the sugars coming from the date powder do not need to be declared in the "added sugars". Thank you!!



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You are correct.  The sugars coming from the dates (if they do not have sugars added to them) does not fall under the added sugars calculation for your nutritional labeling.

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