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Packaging Honey PPE SOP

Started by , May 24 2021 05:42 PM
6 Replies

Hello all,


I am writing SOPs for the for the honey packaging company I work for. I finished the HACCP training about a month ago and continue to learn as much as I can but we do not have anyone who knows HACCP comprehensively. the only safety articles that are needed are nitrile gloves, hair nets, and masks, so far. Unknown if it will also also require steel toed boots. I'm assuming this necessitates a PPE SOP with those items in it, or does it fall in another category? 

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Hi - are you packaging the product itself or just making the packaging?

Hi - are you packaging the product itself or just making the packaging?

We package it ourselves. We do not manufacture the packaging.

You posted under packaging - you should repost under food manufacturing as you will get a better response.
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Regarding steel toe boots, that usually falls under the OSHA umbrella moreso than the food safety umbrella. I would not worry about that when talking PPE.

Dan is right that things like safety toe shoes, hardhats, and safety glasses are going to fall under the OSHA side of things. One thing I've done when breaking out SOP's (or work instructions) that list PPE, is say something along the lines of: 

  •  In addition to the general safety PPE required in this plant, this job function also requires the use of disposable nitrile gloves which can be found X

That way you don't have to list out hard hat, safety glasses, safety shoes because those might be generally required everywhere.

You posted under packaging - you should repost under food manufacturing as you will get a better response.


Do not repost. It generates confusion.


Threads/Posts can be moved.

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