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Monitoring of palletized products during long-term storage

Started by , May 17 2021 11:14 AM
2 Replies

Hi everyone, I work for a retail company that has only one logistics service provider (LSP) for dry food articles. Our corporate's QA warehouse standard for LSP requires quality control of food products during their long-term storage: "During storage, goods must be checked for criteria that affect product quality and safety, including but not limited to: • Freshness of products or Signs of deterioration  • ´Use by´ date or BBD • Hygiene and integrity of packaging • Pest activity / infestation • Temperature of temperature sensitive product (not applicable in this case, our warehouse stores only Dry food). Frequency of control must be defined based on risk assessment for different types of products. Records of quality control must be kept.". The problem now is that this LSP is still developing, they don't have means to monitor location or BBDs of palletized products. Can you please give me suggestions on the best way to manage this using a checklist?

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CORRECTION: they don't have digital means to monitor location or BBDs of palletized products. 

They need then to create "bin" location numbers for all spots in the warehouse   Aisle 1, bottom 1/2/3 middle 1/2/3 top 1/2/3 and so on 

Then items need to be recorded by bin number


As your risk analysis determines the frequency, physical inspection of each pallet and date of monitoring with initials along with BB date if applicable



If the do this when the receive product, it shouldn't be that much extra to do

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