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Risk Categorization of Imported Foods

Started by , May 06 2021 05:36 PM
9 Replies

Good Morning Mentors. I'm seeking your kind assistance in seeing if anyone provide information on the Risk Categorization of Foods that are Imported? Manuals? List of foods already categorized by Risk?  Im trying to categorize the products being imported into the country so as to see which ones can be tagged for risk assessments. Any assistance will be appreciated. Regards and Thanks. Endhir

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I would depend on what you are importing and what the country of origin is


Some countries have really robust requirements to be eligible to export------others not so much


I think you're better off to vet the vendor and the product and not worry about whether or not the item is imported

Thank you very much!!

What kind of products are we talking about here, bzefella?

Of the top of my head if you're thinking of importing to the US and you're bringing in things like juice or seafood, you're going to run into problems.

Ultimately it depends on the product and the country.

Well, one obvious initial approach would be to separate RTE and NRTE items.


It all depends on what you are talking about.


This aspect is anyway one of the major factors in defining an Approved Supplier as per Scampi's suggestion.

Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to my query. To be honest I am talking about all imported products. Dairy, Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Processed foods, the whole shabang.



Thanks to everyone that took the time to respond to my query. To be honest I am talking about all imported products. Dairy, Meats, Fruits, Vegetables, Processed foods, the whole shabang.




You will need to study the relative frequency of  specific import rejected food products for your nominated Countries. Lists probably exist in some cases.


But, afaik, such lists are nowhere collated but one never knows.


How about Belize ?

Hi Senor Charles


That is exactly what we are trying to do here. Categorize our imports to determine which we need to evaluate based on their potential risks.



Risk would depend on the following (IMO)


Exporting Countries existing food safety regulations  (some countries have much better regs and track record than others)


Food Type (deli meat would be at the top of the list for me) RTE, RTC, fresh, frozen etc


Supplier Approvals for the particular vendor, 3rd party audits etc


Food Fraud risk--this would include seafood and spices at or near the top of the list due to ease and frequency of fraud occurring


So maybe you need an excel sheet with these sorts of items across the top, and the vendor and product down the side, then you would have to assign a risk based on the criteria.            That would at least, give you a place to start


hat is the main problem with imported foods?


According to food scientist Dr. Karin Allen, the main problem with imported foods  is not contamination with pathogens; it is label compliance.  In other words, some products contain ingredients not allowed in foods in the U.S.  These include pesticides, additives banned in the U.S.,  or common allergens that the FDA requires be listed on the package but aren’t listed.             http://shelflifeadvi...fe-what’s-risky






This link may assist 


1 Thank

Hi Scampi,


Afaik, this is the Reference Pandora's box/minefield for USA -




A Product-delineated Categorisation may be maintained.

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