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SQF 9.0, Water Contingency Plans, Flint Water Crisis

Started by , Apr 27 2021 05:54 PM
2 Replies

All -  If there is another discussion I missed, please let me know - I tried to search and couldn't find anything in particular. We just had our Crisis Management meeting to discuss our water contingency plan. Pretty straightforward - we are on city supply, so we talked through a biological hazard and a chemical (lead) hazard.  Most of us lived in Milwaukee during the 80s/90s so we 'enjoyed' the Cryptosporidium outbreak but not as FS professionals. We are going to go and get a few contacts to add to our emergency contact register for portable handwash stations, trucked in water carboys, and large scale water filtration should a situation be long term. At the end of the discussion though - we wondered if anything was released in regards to food manufacturing during the Flint Crisis. I found a reference to the MDA working with manufacturers to reduce lead, but nothing specific. I assume it was mostly filtering. Anyone have a good reference?  Or perhaps some insights that maybe people don't think of in regards to a water contingency plan? We're mostly considering: Utensil washing, Production line Sanitation, Plant Sanitation, Handwashing, Direct Product use, Employee Drinking. Thank you! 

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1 Thank

Thank you so much!  That second one especially had exactly what I was looking for - some actionable items Food places took to reduce lead.  

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