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FSVP development and activities performed

Started by , Apr 08 2021 03:41 PM
7 Replies

How much we should charge for 4 products and 2 different  companies

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Charge for what? Your question is not clear.

Hi Gleen


Sorry. I mean, I am starting to develop a FSVP for an imported. I will do everything, initial assessment, create the program, implement the program, Hazard analysis and all training related with the activities. The importer has to different companies with 4 different product each one.


I would like to have an idea of how much I should charge for the whole project.


My consultant rate is $150.00 per hour but my client wants a prize for the whole project not per hour.


Oscar Acosta, Ph.D.

I will also write all the procedures and the trainings related.



You have to estimate how long that may take, your travel expenses etc.

Figure all that out and assign a flat rate daily as your consultant value.

We have flat rates for allnof our consulting projects - you just wantbto make sure you don't under-value yourself.

Hi Glenn 


That is the point, I do not want to under-value myself. Setting consultant fees by the project is a little risky if you do not know how much time the project will take. In my cases my, client does not have anything in place that mean I will have to do everything, starting with a situation assessment then move to register the facility with the FDA and so on. On the other hand, if I charge per hour the charges could run into thousands of dollars and I do not think the client is willing to pay that amount of money for a FSVP.


That why I am asking if you have a general idea of how much will cost to develop and implement a FSVP. In my opinion the project will run into more 30 thousand dollars.


 Any advice will be appreciated.



Yes, we did not start out with flat rate project fees, but got into it after a bit of experience of some years.

We did start out at 1000 a day and never did the hourly thing as we found it a stumbling block.

These days we deal almost entirely on a flat rate project based on what we have to do.

If I was undertaking a turn-key FSVP development on multiple products and locations we would charge remotely $8000.00 + Fees for such things as fda registration + estimated travel.

We normally estimate all travel and related expenses for doing so within 10 days, add a padding to that for the unseen things and then refund any difference (above 50USN) between what was spent and what was actual as we don't and have never made travel expenses a profit center.

And we never ever allow the client to dictate our travel nor book for us..unless they have a net jets membership or own their own business jet.

Hope that helps

Thank very much. I  really appreciate all your advices.



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