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Flow Chart - Water in the recipe - Step or Ingredient

Started by , Mar 24 2021 02:44 PM
2 Replies

Hi all, we had a non-conformity where we didn't put water that is used in the recipes on the flow chart and now I am wondering whether to add it hazard analysis as a step or as an ingredient? As a step I am not sure now to present it as to where does it come?

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Water is an ingredient and should be in the hazard analysis as such.


Bio risk - cryptosporidium, e. coli, etc.


Chemical - heavy metals, nitrates, chlorine, etc.


Physical - sand, rock, gravel, etc.



your step could be written as such 1. Receiving raw ingredients 

in the flow chart under "ingredient addition" or how ever you word this,  just name it "ingredient / water addition".   then add to the hazard analysis as ingredient as stated above.  other places where water might be used need to be included as well.  

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