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Emergency mock drill

Started by , Mar 16 2021 07:04 AM
5 Replies

Morning everyone. Please assist my clients, they have the a finding on the emergency mock drill conducted: Emergency drill submitted, details on food safety of the product not included, please assist on the closure of this non-conformity.



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This is what I used for my FSSC audit and it was accepted by the auditor 


Emergency Mock Drill 


Scenario and Food Safety expectations:

Fire assessment of product, packaging, and equipment of surrounding area.

  • Close the facility (even if temporarily), until food safety can be assured.
  • Reopen only after taking necessary recovery steps.
  • Determine the extent of damage from smoke and water (sprinklers) contamination during the fire.

Note: Smoke can be carried by circulating fans and air conditioning.

Describe food safety emergency scenario:

Fire started on an electrical forklift and spread to warehouse (packaging area).


Confined Fire:
Fire Extinguisher, fire hoses and sprinklers (comes on automatically) is used to put out the fire.

  1. Food Safety Team must assess warehouse to verify good stock vs “compromised” stock for finished products / ingredients / packaging material to be separated, as well as the surrounding area.
  2. Warehouse Manager & Operations Director (overseen by Food Safety Team Leader) commenced with material segregation and marking to assess extent of contamination.


  1. QC, Micro and R & D members of the food safety team will conduct organoleptic testing, general micro, and humidity testing for damp bags.


If “No” is answered for the question(s) below, provide comments / observations / recommendations:

E.g. It was observed that the staff did not follow the evacuation route to exit the warehouse area; but instead walked over the closed WIP bags.

Simulated or Actual Activities







Ensure products/materials are safe or were not compromised


Was the damaged packaging or product removed and discarded appropriately as per the safe disposal procedure?


When trying to determine the extent of damage, did you consider the type of packaging in which the product/packaging is stored.
(Note: Smoked taint lingers on packaging)


Raw materials / packaging materials in danger moved to a safe place?


To examine distressed product / packaging organoleptically, remove to an area where smoke odor of the fire is not present


Was the above attempts appropriate?


Production plastic equipment is damaged due to fire and cannot be washed and sanitised as it has melted. It was discarded and replaced


Were potentially impacted areas segregated and marked?


Poor sealed product and packaging tested for any smoke, fire and water damage and actioned accordingly


Was the cleaning crew supervised during the cleaning process


Was the effected area demarcated and movement restricted in that area


Was post-incident risk assessment done for food safety


Comments/observations/recommendations on emergency responses:


  1.  The fire was contained, extinguished, and did not spread to the production areas.
  2. There were no finished product and WIP effected in the fire, except one bag.


  1. Packaging that was damaged due to the fire was immediately accounted for and removed to the waste skip area for safe disposal.


D). QC, Micro and R & D members of the food safety team did conduct organoleptic testing, general micro, and humidity testing for damp bags.


  1. The food safety team was responsible for the effective clean up of the affected area before resuming warehouse and production activities.


E). Clearance to commence production was given by the Food Safety Team Leader, together with the respective Department Manager from a food safety perspective.


F). Employees: Walked over WIP bags: Recommended – Regular drills will overcome these issues

Print Name: 

Food Safety Team Leader


Food Safety Manager:



Logistics Manager:



Print Name:

R & D Technician and Hygiene Team Leader







Signature: V



Signature: o


Date:  20/11/2020



Date: 20/11/2020



Date: 20/11/2020



Date: 20/11/2020





1 Like3 Thanks

This is what I used for my FSSC V5 audit and it was accepted by the auditor.


However I have to do another senario for this year 2021.  Any assistance will be appreciated.


Kind Regards


Kelpack, thanks for the response. Must i create a checklist that covers this scenarios and attach it with the emergency mock drill records?

Yes.  I  used this scenaria based on the fire drill that was carried out by the SHE department and I aligned all the Food Safety Aspects in the event of a fire happening on site.



I had the same issue, we used to conduct the fire drills, which used to be OK, However, a note was added on ISO 22000:2018 Version  on section 8.4.2  they listed some examples now we need to test the system with "Act of God" events 


"NOTE Examples of emergency situations that can affect food safety and/or production are natural disasters,

environmental accidents, bioterrorism, workplace accidents, public health emergencies and other accidents, e.g.
interruption of essential services such as water, electricity or refrigeration supply."
Good Luck!!

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