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SQF Code Clarification

Started by , Mar 12 2021 05:44 PM
2 Replies

We are trying to obtain SQF certification. We do not work with any food or organic matter, we are strictly a packaging manufacturer and plastic material supplier (we specialize entirely in plastics, ex. tortilla bags). It's my understanding that Module 13, the GMP requirements, are considered "applicable elements" and "Not all elements are applicable. There may be some sections or clauses that do not apply to your site." Can someone confirm if this is correct? For example, references any outdoor eating areas, which we do not have. That being said, we do not need a written procedure for the maintenance of an outdoor cleaning area, correct? Or should a small statement be included anyway?


In terms of the mandatory clauses, I am having some trouble with 2.3.4 Approved Supplier Program, specifically " Supplier audits shall be based on risk and shall be conducted by individuals knowledgeable of applicable regulatory and food safety requirements and trained in auditing techniques." To clarify, the supplier is responsible for this audit, correct? Or does it mean our company needs to audit every individual supplier? Would this also apply to something like our ink suppliers? (given our work, we use flexographic ink, asking because I'm unsure if ink suppliers would be monitoring/certified for food safety?). Apologies if any of these questions seem redundant, I am completely new to all this. 

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A. Include a statement on your code book.

B. Well, actually your company is responsible for ensuring you have a current copy of your suppliers audits, an audit that you undertake or an audit that you pay for or that the supplier pays for and yes this would apply to ink producers as well some of which are SQF certified.
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A. Include a statement on your code book.

B. Well, actually your company is responsible for ensuring you have a current copy of your suppliers audits, an audit that you undertake or an audit that you pay for or that the supplier pays for and yes this would apply to ink producers as well some of which are SQF certified.


Thank you for your response. I have run into another question, this time regarding 2.6.4 Crisis Management Planning. This asks for the following: 


i. The controls implemented to ensure a response does not compromise product safety;

iv. The measures to isolate and identify product affected by a response to a crisis;

v. The measures taken to verify the acceptability of food sector packaging prior to release;


This is essentially covered in 2.6.3 Product Withdrawal and Recall, would referencing that plan in 2.6.4 be sufficient to cover the above clauses, or do they need to be stated explicitly in the 2.6.4?

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