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How to find out ingredients in a spice

Started by , Mar 11 2021 11:31 PM
2 Replies

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a spice analyzed, to find out all of the ingredients it contains. It would be nice to know the percentages of each product it contains as well, but it's not a "must." I have most of the ingredients but not all of them. My main concern is, what is each ingredient. Thank you.

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I'm wondering if it's possible to have a spice analyzed, to find out all of the ingredients it contains. It would be nice to know the percentages of each product it contains as well, but it's not a "must." I have most of the ingredients but not all of them. My main concern is, what is each ingredient. Thank you.


Simple answer - no. If it could be done, it would be expensive and need to be done by a lab.


Why do you need it?

Spice blends and flavors are considered proprietary and manufacturers are not required to disclose the flavoring ingredients, only the non-flavoring ingredients and any major allergens they may contain.  If your concern is allergens, your supplier should be able to provide you with allergen information.


Giving out exact ingredients is an issue because people may try to reverse engineer their intellectual property.  Suppliers especially don't want to give you exact percentages because that could potentially allow you to DIY spice blends or give the formula to another manufacturer who may produce it at a discounted price, which again, would be loss of intellectual property.


This is not an uncommon concern for people using spices and flavors, my company (a flavor manufacturer) has to explain this about once a month to customers or potential customers.  I would say that understanding allergens is most important, but if you are making any claims (natural, non-GMO, etc.) your supplier should also be able to help you with that.

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