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How to determine MAV for cheese packages?

Started by , Mar 02 2021 02:37 PM
3 Replies

I am having an issue, we packaged 1/2oz samples of cheese for a potential customer, when we packed the cheese, we weighed the cheese at 0.50oz, however when customer weighed the packages, several came in at 0.46oz, would anyone know how to determine the MAV for the cheese packages? Thank you


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Did you customer weigh the pieces the same way you did?


Was a correct tare weight applied to the scale to compensate for the packaging


Are both scales certified


were both scales verified prior to using


Answer these first before looking at acceptable variances I would expect to see those variances yes, but how often is more important


Need a little more info please

Your Mav for this product according to Handbook 133 for .5oz is 10% of labeled quantity. 


So the minimum weight each unit can be is .45oz given .5oz x .10 = 0.05 So .5oz - 0.05 = 0.45oz. No unit cannot be below .45oz.   

i certainly understand MAV and weight control statstics.  


at the end of the day sally house wife could care less  about your mav and average lot weight.  they got screwed.   

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