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How do you validate metal detection using historical referencing?

Started by , Feb 25 2021 07:39 AM
2 Replies

How do you validate metal detection using historical referencing?

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How do you validate metal detection using historical referencing?


Hi Inkiema,


Not too sure what you mean by historical referencing but the answer is probably that, usually, "you don't".


Unless, perhaps, you mean "Best Practice" in the relevant Industry ?.


Or do you mean Regulatory validation, eg something like the notorious FDA 7mm "rule"  Or the Canadian 2mm Equivalent one ?

Agree with Charles, this is not a historically data driven exercise.


The "rules" Charles is referring to are based off of choking hazards for children---they are not ambiguous but not always applicable


In order to VALIDATE your metal detector, you'd have to run metal through it repeatedly in all kinds of scenarios and record the data. Then (if it works X amount of the time to X size in X orientation , in X packaging, at X depth in the product) your validation is complete 

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