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Juice HACCP or FSMA?

Started by , Feb 08 2021 11:54 PM
2 Replies

Hi, I work for a small company that mixes and packages juice drinks as a licensee for various brand name beverages. We currently follow juice HACCP even though all of our products are less than 1% juice. My question is can we continue to use a Juice HACCP plan or do we have to switch over to the FDA FSMA regulations since its not 100% juice, or should we follow both? I've been trying to research this but the FDA guidance isn't super clear on where to go for juice drinks as opposed to actual juice.   

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Hi aenri003? I had the same question 2 years ago. We have juices that are 100% and others that are less than 100%. FDA  says that you should have Juice HACCP for your juice ingredients and FSMA for non juice. I grouped our 100% juices and ingredients used for the ones that are not 100% on Juice HACCP and the juices not 100% on a separate Food Safety Plan (FSMA). Hope this helps.

A HACCP and an FDA Food Safety Preventive Controls plan can be combined into a single document or set of documents.  There is no need toggle between two formats. 

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