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Tips for Moving Facility and carrying out a Post Moving Audit?

Started by , Dec 28 2020 07:04 PM
8 Replies

Hi Guys, 


my company is moving to a new location in February. I have only worked in this field for a little over a year and is wondering if there is anything that I need to be careful of in terms of document transfer, training, preparation for post-moving audit. Any tips for successful move and post-move audit? 


Thank you!! 


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Hey, one of my clients (ice cream factory) is moving too! You need to make sure your PPRs are adjusted accordingly including building, equipment, ingredient/product/employee/waste/etc. flow charts, sanitation, storage, etc. Personnel should be trained after moving process is done. HACCP plans might be amended as well, if process steps or parameters change. Risk assessment might be done to your environment & product control program and sampling plan depending on potential risks (or no risks). Let's see what others would suggest.

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Hey, one of my clients (ice cream factory) is moving too! You need to make sure your PPRs are adjusted accordingly including building, equipment, ingredient/product/employee/waste/etc. flow charts, sanitation, storage, etc. Personnel should be trained after moving process is done. HACCP plans might be amended as well, if process steps or parameters change. Risk assessment might be done to your environment & product control program and sampling plan depending on potential risks (or no risks). Let's see what others would suggest.

I have heard that sanitation, inspection, employee training must be completed before moving-in. Is there anything else that must be complete before moving production into the building? 

Have you heard OR you've read somewhere? Just out of curiosity: is there any written requirements? Could you please post?

You'll need to essentially "redo" your HACCP plan---the risks may be different so the hazard analysis will need a complete review


Also, things like glass/brittle plastic-----------Have you had a chance to see the space yet, are they shatter proof


Does your current HACCP plan reference specific rooms by # or location?  All of that will need reviewed including the PRPs/sops/WI etc


You should also perform an equipment audit before and after installation and a very very through PreOP once sanitation has cleaned everything and production thinks they are ready to begin


I would imagine that the training piece can wait as long as there are zero new pieces of equipment OR processes

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I would check with your CB, with SQF you move to another location you re-start a new certification, thus it does not just transfer, I am not sure the status of this for Primus.

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Have you heard OR you've read somewhere? Just out of curiosity: is there any written requirements? Could you please post?

I remember reading a post on this forum before but couldn't find that post anymore unfortunately.

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I would check with your CB, with SQF you move to another location you re-start a new certification, thus it does not just transfer, I am not sure the status of this for Primus.

How early do we need to notify CB regarding move? We plan to do it after we move-in and have re-audit 3 month after. Is that sufficient? 

You should notify CB as soon as you are confirmed for the move dates.


Also I would assume that a thorough assessment by your PCO (pest company-if a third party is used) is conducted prior to the move in. This will also help in your post move audit.

1 Thank

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