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PET bottle pineapple juice 10% Contamination

Started by , Nov 28 2020 01:11 PM
7 Replies

We have pineapple juice which is produced from Pineapple NFC. By reconstitution I got some bottle inside there color is changed to black somehow and there are black particles inside the bottle and also there is something like black mould also inside can any please explain for the reason I will attach the photo for better understanding.

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There don't seem to be any pictures attached to your post?

Pineapple is somewhat infamous for being good at growing mould, and IMEX it's a well-deserved reputation, but there could be other causes - e.g. I've also seen black particles in various juices caused by burnt sugars from pasteurisers.

Okay I understand Thank you replying i attached the photo now for better explanation

Attached Files

Ok, that doesn't look at all good!
Any organoleptic changes (other than appearance) - not suggesting drinking it (!), but may be useful to know if there any unusual odour, and whether it is a typical musty/mouldy smell, or burnt sugar, or more chemical-like?

At a stretch I could imagine very excessive heating could do that, but I have to say it's probably the worst looking pineapple sample I've seen for a long time.

Is there any chance it may have been accidentally mixed with any of the cleaning chemicals used on the line? May be useful to know if the pH is different to the raw material?

It smell over fermented something like that but the problw is . Most of that batch preparation of product are normal but I see on some of them small foreign matters I think it is from the sugar syrup my question how it happen in two bottles only we prepared 8000 liter from we got only on two bottles how I can i start also root cause analysis

Ok, in that case, when was it packed? Has it been stored at ambient for some days/weeks/months?

I've seen sporadic microbiological issues caused by various issues such as damage to bottle caps (doesn't need to be visually catastrophic to be sufficient to compromise the seal integrity on some types of bottle), by hygiene issues in the filler area, and by intermittent faults with a filler head - the latter can be a real pain to diagnose unfortunately.

What is your filling process? More detail may help identify likely areas to look at.

Was there any sign of damage to the caps or bottles?

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Dear PHruit
Thank u so.much for u prompt reply
It was packed four months ago on that day of production we faced cap well closing problem and foreign matter problems we stored the juice at 30_ 32 degree centigrade in our warehouse it is the Ambinet temperature of Guinea 🇬🇳 where I am working now

Ok, so the ambient temperature itself isn't likely to be the main issue - we're lucky if we get 20C in mid summer and it's currently 4C outside, but a bottle with a seal problem will still ferment/grow mould if there is a problem with it. The capping issue sounds like a likely cause given that you know there were some difficulties with it, and four months of growth could easily account for the very poor condition of the juice.

If you can trace back to the fault that happened in production and look at the bottles to see if you can find any evidence that this affected these then that might identify the direct cause, so for your full root cause analysis you can then work back from there - you're probably looking to identify why was there a problem with the capping, e.g. was this due to missed maintenance, equipment setup issues, equipment breakdown etc?

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