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Calculation of nutritional value

Started by , Nov 20 2020 09:02 AM

Hi  naderk,


Calculating based on your ingredients is absolutaly possible.


That means you are using the following:
(Value A * 70%) + (Value B * 30%)

(3552*70%)+(1480*30%) = 2930,4 = 2930

(864*70%)+(353*30%) =710,7 = 711
(94*70%)+ (1*30%) = 66,1 =66
(0*70%)+ (85*30%) = 25,5 =26
(0*70%)+  (1*30%) = 0,3
(10*70%)+ (0,5*30%) = 7,15

Finished product:

Energy (kJ) = 2930

Energy (kcal) = 711

Fat = 66

Carbohydrate = 26

Protein (Nx6.25) = 0.3

Salt (sodium x 2.5) = 7,15


You can make easy excel forms for this if math is not your strong suit.
Good luck!

1 Reply

Hi. I am currently trying to manually calculate the nutritional value/info for one product. For example my product contains 2 ingredients with different nutritional info. May I know how I can calculate the product's nutritional value based on the nutritional info from the 2 ingredients manually? I do know the easiest way is to send in samples to the laboratory but I would like to how it is being calculated as I would like to able to crosscheck that the nutritional value for end product is correct. Example:


First ingredient (only 70% of it is used in the product): 

Energy (kJ) = 3552

Energy (kcal) = 864

Fat = 96

Carbohydrate = 0

Protein (Nx6.25) = 0

Salt (sodium x 2.5) = 10


Second ingredient (only 30% of it is used in the product):

Energy (kJ) = 1480

Energy (kcal) = 353

Fat = 1

Carbohydrate = 85

Protein (Nx6.25) = 1

Salt (sodium x 2.5) = 0.5


Finished product:

Energy (kJ) = 1995

Energy (kcal) = 477

Fat = 46

Carbohydrate = 1

Protein (Nx6.25) = 0.5

Salt (sodium x 2.5) = 9


Would appreciate if anyone can assist me on this with a thorough calculation. Thank you in advance.

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Hi  naderk,


Calculating based on your ingredients is absolutaly possible.


That means you are using the following:
(Value A * 70%) + (Value B * 30%)

(3552*70%)+(1480*30%) = 2930,4 = 2930

(864*70%)+(353*30%) =710,7 = 711
(94*70%)+ (1*30%) = 66,1 =66
(0*70%)+ (85*30%) = 25,5 =26
(0*70%)+  (1*30%) = 0,3
(10*70%)+ (0,5*30%) = 7,15

Finished product:

Energy (kJ) = 2930

Energy (kcal) = 711

Fat = 66

Carbohydrate = 26

Protein (Nx6.25) = 0.3

Salt (sodium x 2.5) = 7,15


You can make easy excel forms for this if math is not your strong suit.
Good luck!

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