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SQF Ed.9 and HACCP training for SQF Practitioner

Started by , Nov 11 2020 04:08 PM
12 Replies

Hello, I am reviewing the new SQF code and it looks like there was a chance on the requirements to be an SQF Practitioner. It says that "SQF Practitioners are required to successfully complete HACCP training that is a minimum two-day duration and assessed." Previous editions didn't establish the number of days that the training should be. I've been SQF Practitioner in my company for the past 3 years. Would I be required to go through a 2-day training when we are audited on the 9th Edition? I am also the PCQI for my company - would the PCQI training be enough? Thank you!

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They basically brought back the requirement for formal training - most is considered to be classroom based, 16 hours at 2days.


Even without this requirement however, the SQF Practitioner was always required to have HACCP training.


Thus, I would be booking training right now if that is not the case for you.

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How strict do you think an auditor could be on the 2-day training? I completed a HACCP training a couple of years ago prior to becoming an SQF practitioner, but it was more like a refresher and only lasted a few hours. My background is on pharmacy, and I have a couple of courses on Quality control - which included HACCP analysis, but from over 10 years ago. 

Is there any exception for an online class at this point? Like amount of material reviewed? I was planning on having my backup go through AIB's online HACCP but if that won't meet the requirement I guess I'll look for another in-person option?

I am not seeing the 2 day requirement? can someone please point this out, I read 2.1 and 2.9 and see HACCP training as completing an appropriate HACCP training course.





James, see on page 13 of Part A (Manufacturing code). It says: SQF practitioners are required to successfully complete HACCP training that is a minimum

two-day duration and assessed. As far as I am aware, it is not mentioned in other parts of the code.

I am not seeing the 2 day requirement? can someone please point this out, I read 2.1 and 2.9 and see HACCP training as completing an appropriate HACCP training course.





Ah ok, I read that now and page 13 can be a taken a couple different ways.


The header reads 21 Training (optional)

does this mean training is optional?


and the HACCP training of a minimum 2 day duration and assessed...


...it took me 2 days to complete the AIB online HACCP course and it had a test... 

I believe the SQF training is optional, not HACCP (given it's always a requirement for SQF Practitioners).


You should be covered with your AIB certificate. I checked their schedule and it looks like the next online course is only in September 2021. 


Ah ok, I read that now and page 13 can be a taken a couple different ways.


The header reads 21 Training (optional)

does this mean training is optional?


and the HACCP training of a minimum 2 day duration and assessed...


...it took me 2 days to complete the AIB online HACCP course and it had a test... 

thanks rdquality!


I recall the AIB HACCP online course was quite a lengthy course and probably would equate to 16 hours. and a minimum pass score of 70.

Not trying to promote anything, but I believe IFSQN offers a HACCP course for only $97.

Not trying to promote anything, but I believe IFSQN offers a HACCP course for only $97.


But I think the IFSQN course doesn't meet the 2-day (16h) requirement. I need to check. 


Here are some options:


https://foodsafety.n...haccp-training/ ($195)

https://bdfoodsafety...haccp-training/ ($499)



Both of them are accredited by the International HACCP Alliance.


Does anyone know if completing the SQF training would cover this requirement? Or does it need to be a HACCP specific class?


Thank you

SQF training isn't adequate for HACCP training.
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