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Continuous Process Flow corrective actions suggestions

Started by , Oct 28 2020 11:31 PM
1 Reply

Hi everyone, 


We have a minor on SQF and the deficiencies described by the auditor are following:

1. Congestion at the entrance of the cooking room 1: maintenance activities (re-installation of a oven and completion of on-site repairs) during the transfer of the bins of meat to be cooked in room 1  
2. Congestion at the entrance of cooking room 2 used to finish 2 different products (same allergens): on 1 side used for one kind of products and on the other for different products. Separators to be used to segregate those 2 products are not used.
3. Upon exit from cooking room (kill step), the products are placed in shallow stainless steel bins for cooling (in packing room). Congestion exists in packaging room and employees must go through it and bypass the cooling bins to carry bins to be cleaned in the washing room, located next to packaging room
Could you please advise if my understanding for the corrective actions are correct or wrong?
1. during maintenance activities, the maintenance tech should use separator /divider to segregate his area so that when there is meat transferring, it wouldn't cause cross-contamination. Therefore, I need to train the maintenance.
2. for this one, I don't quite understand. 2 different products with same allergens being cooked (kill step) in the same rooms, why we need to use separators to segregate those 2 products?
3. since the packaging room and washing room are connected and not enclosed. We installed separator to make sure they are segregated.
Please share your opinions if I interpret the non-compliances correctly or not.
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1. during maintenance activities, the maintenance tech should use separator /divider to segregate his area so that when there is meat transferring, it wouldn't cause cross-contamination. Therefore, I need to train the maintenance.
2. for this one, I don't quite understand. 2 different products with same allergens being cooked (kill step) in the same rooms, why we need to use separators to segregate those 2 products?
3. since the packaging room and washing room are connected and not enclosed. We installed separator to make sure they are segregated.
I would suggest you use ACTION WORDS instead of passive words - example: should, change to must or shall.  Saying you need to train someone - no, show proof that you trained someone.
Be sure to support everything with documentation and photo's.

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