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Heavy metal compliance - EU Regulation

Started by , Oct 16 2020 03:02 AM

What type of product(s) do you manufacture?

In general the limits for heavy metals in foodstuffs are defined in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 - latest consolidated version available here: https://eur-lex.euro...6R1881-20200928

This doesn't include Ag, Ba, Cr(VI), or Se though.
There are some additional requirements specifically around supplements though, for example Regulation (EU) 119/2014 limits the Cr(VI) content to not more than 0.2% of the total Cr content in Cr-enriched yeast for use in supplements. This is in the current consolidated version of Directive 2002/46/EC, available here: https://eur-lex.euro...0170726&from=EN

Selenium is permitted as a supplement in its own right, but again there are some constraints - see the relevant footnote in the annex to the above directive.


Silver isn't used as a supplement, but is permitted as an additive (E174) in a limited number of products, subject to meeting the specification/purity criteria defined in the annex to Regulation (EU) 231/2012: https://eur-lex.euro...2R0231-20200702

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Hi. Recently, there was an audit and the auditor stated as their finding that " heavy metal compliance was not included silver, barium, selenium and hexavalent chromium". I would like to know is it necessary for us to crosscheck for silver, barium, selenium and hexavalent chromium whether it complies to EU or not? And I have not found anything on EU related to the mentioned heavy metals. Does anyone know if there is a certain regulation for the mentioned heavy metals? Is there any limit for the mentioned heavy metals in food? Would appreciate if one could help explain on this matter. Thank you  :smile:

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What type of product(s) do you manufacture?

In general the limits for heavy metals in foodstuffs are defined in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006 - latest consolidated version available here: https://eur-lex.euro...6R1881-20200928

This doesn't include Ag, Ba, Cr(VI), or Se though.
There are some additional requirements specifically around supplements though, for example Regulation (EU) 119/2014 limits the Cr(VI) content to not more than 0.2% of the total Cr content in Cr-enriched yeast for use in supplements. This is in the current consolidated version of Directive 2002/46/EC, available here: https://eur-lex.euro...0170726&from=EN

Selenium is permitted as a supplement in its own right, but again there are some constraints - see the relevant footnote in the annex to the above directive.


Silver isn't used as a supplement, but is permitted as an additive (E174) in a limited number of products, subject to meeting the specification/purity criteria defined in the annex to Regulation (EU) 231/2012: https://eur-lex.euro...2R0231-20200702

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