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USDA Farmers to Family Box Labeling

Started by , Sep 21 2020 03:01 PM
1 Reply

Good morning all-

      We've been involved in the USDA FtoF program and CFAP program this summer with good success but now they want combo boxes. We are an FDA registered facility. We would not be producing any of the dairy, egg, or meat products. Simply receiving them and repacking. No opening of primary packaging. Do we need an FSIS registration for this? Meat products look to be limited to pre-cooked items. Allergen management isn't a concern. Simply the regulatory aspect of this. 


Also labeling- What kind of label would we need on the shipping container? Contents of the box, location, allergens, etc. But do we need ALL the nutritionals on the shipping container label? I have the amendments and requirements but they are vague at best in an area I don't typically deal with. What is everyone else doing with these?




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