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Regulation requirements for Aflatoxin in tree nuts

Started by , Sep 14 2020 05:38 PM
5 Replies

Hi IFSQN team,



Can you please advise what the England Food Regulation Requirement for Aflatoxin in tree nuts is? ( Imported to England)

Are the Food Regulations requriements for European Union, England and Australia the same ?


I only know Australian Food Standard Code requirment which the Aflatoxin has to be less than 15 micro gram/kg.


I'm just not sure if England they have their own food regulation now due to Brexit.


If you guys can provide the refferences, I'd be greatly appreciated it.


Thank you in advance!


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Please disregard it. I actaully have found the answers. Thank you for reviewing everyone!

That's what we like Gracezy, people who answer their own questions. :smile:


It would be nice if you could post a little summary of your findings.  It may help others in the future.




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Just for the benefit of anyone else stumbling across this thread - aflatoxins limits in the EU are defined in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006, the latest version of which can be accessed from this page: https://eur-lex.euro...elex:32006R1881

For the time being the UK has transferred existing EU food regulation into UK law, although whether than continues to be the case is an interesting (disturbing? painful? dreary?) question...



Edit: Started typing this before Simon posted, then I got distracted...

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That's what we like Gracezy, people who answer their own questions. :smile:


It would be nice if you could post a little summary of your findings.  It may help others in the future.





Hi Simon,


Yes, of course! I'd love to share it. Here are what I found.

England Food Standard Agency for Import: Article 11 states that food which is imported into the EU for placing on the market shall comply with the requirements of food law recognised by the EU.
Therefore, I looked at maximum levels for certain contaminants in food stuffs which is in COMMISSION REGULATION (EC) No 1881/2006's Article 4 and Anex in this link below. Maximum level for tree nuts ready-to- eat and for further processing are different.
I also found supporting document from FAS USDA “Regulatory Levels for Aflatoxin in Tree Nuts and Peanuts. It confirms that EU and UK has the same requirement. Please find further information in the attachment.
However for Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code – Schedule 19-5 – Maximum levels of Aflatoxin in tree nuts is a little higher which is 15 ppb. 
Hope this can be helpful  :smile:
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Just for the benefit of anyone else stumbling across this thread - aflatoxins limits in the EU are defined in Regulation (EC) 1881/2006, the latest version of which can be accessed from this page: https://eur-lex.euro...elex:32006R1881

For the time being the UK has transferred existing EU food regulation into UK law, although whether than continues to be the case is an interesting (disturbing? painful? dreary?) question...



Edit: Started typing this before Simon posted, then I got distracted...


Exactly! It's kind of challenging to keep up with their laws but I love learning about it. Thank you pHruit!  :smile:

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