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Need help interpreting CODEX standard microbial limits for modified starch

Started by , Sep 09 2020 02:19 AM

Similar to Charles, I couldn't see a Codex standard for modified starch, although I did find an FAO/WHO "Residue Monograph" with some brief micro parameters included: http://www.fao.org/3...en/ca3740en.pdf

This details a TVC limit that matches the 1000cfu/g quoted by the OP.

I'd get in touch with the supplier to ask them what standard it is that they're actually looking at, and whether they can send you a copy.


Hi phruit,


I also saw one for 10,000 cfu/g but not, (ie no M) in the same format as quoted in OP.


Maybe they should split the difference. :smile:

3 Replies

Hi. I am currently reviewing an ingredient which is a modified starch and am comparing their specs with CODEX standard limits in terms of heavy metal and microbial limit. For heavy metals, the specs of the modified starch complies to CODEX standard limit however I am having trouble in understanding on the microbial limit. Referring to JECFA Monographs 22, it stated that for modified starch the microbial limit of TPC is 'not more than 1000 CFU/g' means this is the CODEX standard limit right? But on the specs of the modified starch it was written maximum limit 10,000 CFU/g which is more than 1000 CFU/g right? This means that it does not comply to the CODEX standard limit am I understanding it correctly?


However, I did asked the supplier for some explanation and they only said that because in CODEX for modified starch :

n = 5, c = 2, m = 10^4 and M = 10^5


Therefore 10,000 CFU/g is acceptable. I do understand that it will become acceptable because of the three class plan but where did they refer to for the information underlined above? As I have searched through CODEX for modified starch and did not found anything on the m = 10^4 and M = 10^5. Can anyone help to explain more on this for me as I am not very familiar on microbiological part?


Thank you in advance.

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Hi. I am currently reviewing an ingredient which is a modified starch and am comparing their specs with CODEX standard limits in terms of heavy metal and microbial limit. For heavy metals, the specs of the modified starch complies to CODEX standard limit however I am having trouble in understanding on the microbial limit. Referring to JECFA Monographs 22, it stated that for modified starch the microbial limit of TPC is 'not more than 1000 CFU/g' means this is the CODEX standard limit right? But on the specs of the modified starch it was written maximum limit 10,000 CFU/g which is more than 1000 CFU/g right? This means that it does not comply to the CODEX standard limit am I understanding it correctly?


However, I did asked the supplier for some explanation and they only said that because in CODEX for modified starch :

n = 5, c = 2, m = 10^4 and M = 10^5


Therefore 10,000 CFU/g is acceptable. I do understand that it will become acceptable because of the three class plan but where did they refer to for the information underlined above? As I have searched through CODEX for modified starch and did not found anything on the m = 10^4 and M = 10^5. Can anyone help to explain more on this for me as I am not very familiar on microbiological part?


Thank you in advance.


Hi naderk,


afaik, this is link for Index of Codex Standards -




I could not see any Standard  for "modified starch" ?


It is possible that different reference documents are being compared.

1 Like

Similar to Charles, I couldn't see a Codex standard for modified starch, although I did find an FAO/WHO "Residue Monograph" with some brief micro parameters included: http://www.fao.org/3...en/ca3740en.pdf

This details a TVC limit that matches the 1000cfu/g quoted by the OP.

I'd get in touch with the supplier to ask them what standard it is that they're actually looking at, and whether they can send you a copy.

1 Like

Similar to Charles, I couldn't see a Codex standard for modified starch, although I did find an FAO/WHO "Residue Monograph" with some brief micro parameters included: http://www.fao.org/3...en/ca3740en.pdf

This details a TVC limit that matches the 1000cfu/g quoted by the OP.

I'd get in touch with the supplier to ask them what standard it is that they're actually looking at, and whether they can send you a copy.


Hi phruit,


I also saw one for 10,000 cfu/g but not, (ie no M) in the same format as quoted in OP.


Maybe they should split the difference. :smile:

1 Like

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