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SQF Supplier Approval Program

Started by , Sep 03 2020 10:16 PM
5 Replies

Hey guys, I have been working on my supplier approval program. My supplier risk assessment is criteria-based and I am trying to include several risks to determine the supplier risk. Can someone take a look at my template and see if I am doing it right? Let me know what you guys think.

Thank you.

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You need to attach it.

Sorry I thought I have attached it. Here is the file.


Thank you! :D

Attached Files

Yes, that is fine. Not sure why you have liability insurance on there, really more for your office admin department, but up to you.

Thanks for your advice Glenn! I just wanted to make sure that I am on the right path and not overdoing or missing any important things..It took me a while to try to combine some elements together so that the whole program makes sense to me and my company.

Hey guys, I have been working on my supplier approval program. My supplier risk assessment is criteria-based and I am trying to include several risks to determine the supplier risk. Can someone take a look at my template and see if I am doing it right? Let me know what you guys think.

Thank you.


I'm not familiar with SQF's specific requirements so I've quoted BRC. Maybe SQF are more lenient/less convoluted, I certainly hope so.


Yr SAP appears to operationally require 2 things -


(1) approval by an unspecified 3rd Party of (i) the "overall System", (ii) the haccp plan

(2) A CoA


You might compare above to BRC's requirements -


The risk assessment [of raw material] shall form the basis for the raw material acceptance and testing procedure and for the processes adopted for supplier approval and monitoring


The company shall have a documented supplier approval procedure to ensure that all suppliers of raw materials, including primary packaging, effectively manage risks to raw material quality and safety and are operating effective traceability processes. The approval procedure shall be based on risk and include either one or a combination of:

•  a valid certification to the applicable BRC Global Standard or GFSI-benchmarked standard. The scope of the certification shall include the raw materials purchased
•  supplier audits, with a scope to include product safety, traceability, HACCP review and good manufacturing practices, undertaken by an experienced and demonstrably competent product safety auditor.


Where the supplier audit is completed by a second or third party, the company shall be able to:
•  demonstrate the competency of the auditor
•  confirm that the scope of the audit includes product safety, traceability, HACCP review and good manufacturing practices
•  obtain and review a copy of the full audit report
•  where a valid risk-based justification is provided and the supplier is assessed as low risk only, a completed supplier questionnaire may be used for initial approval. The questionnaire shall have a
scope that includes product safety, traceability, HACCP review and good manufacturing practices, and it shall have been reviewed and verified by a demonstrably competent person



The above effectively means that final SAP is based on a combination of (a) the risk rating of raw material and (b) the risk rating of the Production Facility/Process.


Prior to BRC i used an extended version of yr current proposal but this was predictably non-compliant with various BRC specifics.

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