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Should we send the entire HACCP Plan to customers?

Started by , Aug 31 2020 02:09 PM
12 Replies

All - looking for insight on what your facility does when a HACCP plan is requested by a client/customer (we are an ingredient manuf). 


When I request from a supplier, I've received a variety of responses -- summary of plans, table of contents, entire HACCP plan among others. 


What is your company's procedure? 

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When it comes to Process Flow Charts - I usually send them without process parameters due to confidentiality matter. Other HACCP forms are Ok to send as is

Usually process Flow Diagram and HACCP plan  not the whole study there's a lot of proprietary information on a Hazard Analysis.

As mentioned above, Flow diagrams and plan only. They are sufficient, no need to send the whole thing

We do not share HACCP plans.


We do send our entire SQF Audit Report and Certificate.

We share our HACCP plan minus the process flow diagram. We consider process flow proprietary.

We also only share audit scores and certificate/confirmations, not the entire audit report.

We only share the basics for both Food Safety Plan/HACCP and Audit reports due to confidentiality of our products & processes. If more information is required, we offer to have a phone conversation to verbally discuss the details to their satisfaction. We will, depending on the customer, offer to send someone in person to take and review the HACCP plan/Audit report in detail. We will not leave any copies behind, though. 

Summary and flow chart.

we share only certifcation and letter of guarantee. I think it's enough.

We share the HACCP Flow Chart and GFSi approved Audit Certificate.  If someone is persistent then we have invited them to visit the facility or during these COVID times we have offered to set up an online meeting to share information virtually but we do not send anything other than the two items mentioned.

This is a question we hear a lot in the industry, so thank you for asking it here. Customers typically ask for a HACCP plan since they want an assurance you have identified and are managing risks associated with your product. We recommend you offer your last audit report, all GFSI audits address risk and control, in fact the audit report will confirm you are performing the functions of the HACCP Plan. Typically a conversation with the customer explaining the HACCP plan contains proprietary information about your product and process is enough to nudge them in the direction of accepting the audit report. Hope this helps.

This has been interesting for me - i wouldn't think twice about sending a customer our HACCP plan and process flow! Maybe very naive me. I will take all comments on board though.  :thumbup:


we don'r share our internal documentation from our QMS which are subject of revision. But we have prepared "external versions" with all necessary, but not confidential informations and "w/o update service" 




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