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What is the maximum limit for enterobacteriaceae?

Started by , Aug 21 2020 09:14 PM
1 Reply

What is the maximum limit for enterobacteriaceae? Is over 9,000 high. If so what does that mean? What would be positive reading?

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What is the maximum limit for enterobacteriaceae? Is over 9,000 high. If so what does that mean? What would be positive reading?


9000cfu/g  is typically  high, eg -


enterobacteriaceae2.PNG   229.05KB   1 downloads


Many causes are possible depending on the nature/identity of sample. See the attached files -


Microbial limits of RTE foods (fsai).pdf   381.4KB   70 downloads

Micro.criteria for Food,2018 (Australian).pdf   1.18MB   45 downloads

Nestle microbiological specifications.pdf   911.91KB   59 downloads










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