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Looking for easy to use and reliable pH meter for juice

Started by , Aug 19 2020 02:16 AM
3 Replies

I am shopping for pH meters that are easy to use and reliable for measuring pH in fruit juice and fruit puree mixtures.

I welcome any recommendations that others have found to be user friendly and reliable.

Thank you ahead of time for your suggestions.


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I've had good luck with the Orion Star model A211.  Make sure you get a pH probe that is specific to your application and you maintain it how they recommend.  They have a good technical department to help with this.




If you need one that is mobile one contact their tech support to see what best suits your needs because it is dependent on the pH resolution you want and durability.

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I can second Ryan M's recommendation, both for that model and particularly for the advice to follow proper protocols to maintain it. Never cease to be amazed by the number of people I come across who often have solid science degrees but do daft things to their probes and then wonder why they aren't getting sensible/consistent readings...

Have had good luck with the Oakton pHTestr series.  Have used both the pHTestr 10 and the pHTestr 30 models with good success.

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